[kdenlive] Developing and communicating

Steve Guilford s.guilford at asterionmultimedia.com
Thu Feb 5 21:24:38 UTC 2015

On 02/03/2015 10:46 PM, Vincent Pinon wrote:
>  From my point of view, Kdenlive is in a transition period not very easy to
> handle. After excitement of the new things with Frameworks 5 (rapidly
> handled!), we have entered yet a new difficult refactoring effort. Where to
> start, where to stop?

I think it would be easier if refactoring was a separate effort w/out 
having any KF5 migration to contend with.  It will allow those working 
on the refactoring effort to stay focused on just that....

Can you separate the KF5 push from the refactoring effort?  Making the 
upcoming KF5 release would bring good value.  The refactoring can come 
along as we move forward after the KF5 release, IMO.

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