[kdenlive] kdenlive Digest, Vol 14, Issue 9
Narcis Garcia
informatica at actiu.net
Wed Dec 16 18:09:42 UTC 2015
El 16/12/15 a les 16:49, Evert Vorster ha escrit:
> Hi there, Victor.
> It may not be exactly the solution you asked for, but I use the
> following workaround to use Kdenlive on windows.
> My work forces me to carry around a Windows laptop, and not wanting to
> bring two laptops on my travels for just some Linux software, I
> installed linux on a virtual machine.
> This gets around the "but I want this wonderful Linux software on my
> Windows machine" nicely.
> It may not be as performant as on bare metal, but Kdenlive works
> reasonably well on a virtual device. The only issue I run into is that
> the OOM killer sometimes terminates the process. We still have some
> serious memory leaks, and I have open bugs on them, as they affect me
> on my home (linux) machine too. My virtual computer's hard disk is a
> physical external USB disk, so if I feel the need for speed in the
> editing I can actually boot off the USB disk and use the bare metal of
> the laptop.
> I hope that helps a little bit? Unfortunately, hunting bugs and
> polishing the software is of more a concern than a windows port for
> our very limited numbers of developers. I have a suspicion that all of
> our devs are linux only people anyways.
> On 16 December 2015 at 23:38, Victor Estrella <estrellavictor1 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> All i want is you consider doing a Windows version of this awesome
>> video editor Great Job on this editor! Love it! Keep the good work!
>> 2015-12-16 7:30 GMT-04:30, kdenlive-request at kde.org <kdenlive-request at kde.org>:
>>> Send kdenlive mailing list submissions to
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>>> Today's Topics:
>>> 1. Re: And the winners are: Kdenlive Café #1 and #2 (Mario Fux)
>>> 2. Re: And the winners are: Kdenlive Café #1 and #2
>>> (farid abdelnour)
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Message: 1
>>> Date: Tue, 15 Dec 2015 12:36:34 +0100
>>> From: Mario Fux <kde-ml at unormal.org>
>>> To: kdenlive at kde.org
>>> Subject: Re: [kdenlive] And the winners are: Kdenlive Café #1 and #2
>>> Message-ID: <4415785.E33NpGJP2R at andromeda>
>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
>>> Am Tuesday 15 December 2015, 08.41:09 schrieb Narcis Garcia:
>>> Morning Narcis
>>>> As I understand in universal time:
>>>> First meeting:
>>>> 2015.12.22 at 12:00 UTC
>>>> Second meeting:
>>>> 2016.01.15 at 10:00 UTC
>>>> In channel #kdenlive of irc://irc.freenode.net:8001
>>>> And minutes will happen at https://notes.kde.org/public/kdenlive-cafe01
>>> Yes, thanks.
>>> Mario
>>> ------------------------------
>>> Message: 2
>>> Date: Tue, 15 Dec 2015 14:19:23 -0200
>>> From: farid abdelnour <snd.noise at gmail.com>
>>> To: Mario Fux <kde-ml at unormal.org>
>>> Cc: kdenlive at kde.org
>>> Subject: Re: [kdenlive] And the winners are: Kdenlive Café #1 and #2
>>> Message-ID:
>>> <CAHMxv37LW7GMx9E1AmB3HyEXEZ1eWhaOFO3kyFc-8FZz7ZpxeA at mail.gmail.com>
>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>>> Will do my best to be there! :)
>>> 2015-12-15 9:36 GMT-02:00 Mario Fux <kde-ml at unormal.org>:
>>>> Am Tuesday 15 December 2015, 08.41:09 schrieb Narcis Garcia:
>>>> Morning Narcis
>>>>> As I understand in universal time:
>>>>> First meeting:
>>>>> 2015.12.22 at 12:00 UTC
>>>>> Second meeting:
>>>>> 2016.01.15 at 10:00 UTC
>>>>> In channel #kdenlive of irc://irc.freenode.net:8001
>>>>> And minutes will happen at https://notes.kde.org/public/kdenlive-cafe01
>>>> Yes, thanks.
>>>> Mario
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>>> ------------------------------
>>> End of kdenlive Digest, Vol 14, Issue 9
>>> ***************************************
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