[kdenlive] Kdenlive 15.08 RC: please test!

farid abdelnour snd.noise at gmail.com
Mon Aug 24 13:52:06 UTC 2015

hi guys,

apparently the release went through without fixing this issue. must we wait
for the next release? what can i install to fix this?

i can't import files:

"Trying to convert empty KLocalizedString to QString."
Removing cache at "/home/farid/.cache/kdenlive-thumbs.kcache"
klauncher not running... launching kdeinit
klauncher not running... launching kdeinit
klauncher not running... launching kdeinit
couldn't create slave: "N\u00E3o foi poss\u00EDvel conversar com o
klauncher: The name org.kde.klauncher5 was not provided by any .service
Couldn't start kded5 from org.kde.kded5.service:
QDBusError("org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown", "The name
org.kde.kded5 was not provided by any .service files") , falling back to
running kbuildsycoca5
KServiceTypeTrader: serviceType "ThumbCreator" not found
KServiceTypeTrader: serviceType "ThumbCreator" not found
klauncher not running... launching kdeinit
klauncher not running... launching kdeinit
couldn't create slave: "N\u00E3o foi poss\u00EDvel conversar com o
klauncher: The name org.kde.klauncher5 was not provided by any .service
org.kde.knotifications: Audio notification requested, but sound file from
notifyrc file was not found, aborting audio notification
Couldn't start kded5 from org.kde.kded5.service:
QDBusError("org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown", "The name
org.kde.kded5 was not provided by any .service files") , falling back to
running kbuildsycoca5
KServiceTypeTrader: serviceType "ThumbCreator" not found
KServiceTypeTrader: serviceType "ThumbCreator" not found
klauncher not running... launching kdeinit
klauncher not running... launching kdeinit
couldn't create slave: "N\u00E3o foi poss\u00EDvel conversar com o
klauncher: The name org.kde.klauncher5 was not provided by any .service
org.kde.knotifications: Audio notification requested, but sound file from
notifyrc file was not found, aborting audio notification

2015-08-07 14:02 GMT-03:00 farid abdelnour <snd.noise at gmail.com>:

> hi vincent
> using Kdenlive 15.07.90 i can't get for starters this bug:
> https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=351065
> can't do more testing without fixing it first.
> cheers
> 2015-08-07 11:12 GMT-03:00 Vincent PINON <vincent.pinon at laposte.net>:
>> Hello,
>> I consider readers of this list as the 1st circle of Kdenlive followers.
>> You should know we are well advanced in the process to release 15.08,
>> which brings much more changes than the quick port from 15.04 :
>> this time it is 8 month of refactoring and new features that get out...
>> we've seen things braking and fixed it, but there are still many :
>> please help us to list and prioritize it on bugtracker!
>> Neither JB and I spend time to test beyond most simple functions;
>> 15.04 was poorly tested before 15.04.0/1 were packaged,
>> this should not be the case this time (KF5 environment is now common)!
>> Alpha and Beta got out weeks back and we are already in RC,
>> so please run a CI package or build it and provide us the most precise
>> feedback on bugzilla... or even better get involved and send patches on
>> reviewboard?! (We're lacking time to treat everything properly)
>> Are there also volunteers to help writing the announcement?
>> And don't hesitate to spread the word on your usual channels...
>> Cheers,
>> Vincent.
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