[kdenlive] Best workflow for large projects

Pascal Fleury fleury at users.sourceforge.net
Tue Dec 2 16:45:47 UTC 2014

Hi Simon,

I am just finishing such a project, with a few (~15) video files from 2
cameras, each file in the 2GB range.

My workflow is this, and it assumes that you will watch the whole thing at
least once fully:
1- import the videos in full as clips into a project
2- optional: if playback is a bit slow, then switch on proxy clips, and
wait for them to be computed.
3- I then prepare a video track called "stock", and watch the clips.
While it's playing I use keys to set in- and out-points. When I press
'out', the clip is dragged to the timeline (just drag the clip monitor view
to the timeline, it will add a clip taken between the current in and out
points). [see this
Once the clip is in the timeline, set the current position to 'in' again,
and press play. If I want to skip material, I just wait until I get to the
end of junk, then press 'in' again.

At that point, I'm not worried too much about exact frame cuts, I merely
want to strip off the material I will not use (I had one camera in hand,
and I did not stop it even while walking around the public at the event, so
I filmed a lot my feet...)
You will end up with a chronological set of clips on the timeline, which
you can then further edit, reshuffle, and push together if you did not do
it yet when adding them to the timeline.

I am using Kubuntu 13.04 (I know, should be updated...), kdenlive 0.9.8 and
have a ShuttlePro-2
<http://ergo.contour-design.com/ergonomic-mouse/shuttlepro-v2> so I am
actually not sure about the keyboard shortcuts, but I know they exist or
can be configured.


On Tue, Dec 2, 2014 at 9:03 AM, Simon Cropper <
simoncropper at fossworkflowguides.com> wrote:

> Thanks Vincent,
> I appreciate your comments.
> My responses in-line.
> On 02/12/14 18:12, Vincent Pinon wrote:
>> Le mardi 2 décembre 2014, 16:03:36 Simon Cropper a écrit :
>>> Pretty typical, I presume.
>> Absolutely common ;-)
>>  I presume when you create a clip with the Clip Monitor and save it is is
>>> only saving the start and end time, rather than making a copy of the
>>> segment.
>> That's it: "Non-LInear Video Editing" (what KDE-NLiVE means)
>>  Consequently I expect there would be memory constraints to
>>> consider on a large project. Multiple files in memory would eventually
>>> result in a crash.
>> Segments are not held in memory, the multimedia backend (MLT) pulls only
>> the
>> displayed frame at any moment (roughly).
>> If not, this is a memory leak bug: this sometimes happen under certain
>> combinations of MLT version & codec library version (ffmpeg/libav).
>> Unfortunately the situation in Ubuntu 14.04 is such :-\ => add
>> ppa:sunab/kdenlive-release or upgrade to 14.10.
> I am currently using http://ppa.launchpad.net/
> sunab/kdenlive-release/ubuntu as my repository
>  Is it better to create a clip and save it to disk, then create the final
>>> product using the smaller clips?
>> No, don't alter your original media.
>> If your computer seems unable to provide comfortable editing, try to
>> enable
>> "proxy clips" in kdenlive configuration (reduced resolution copies are
>> automatically generated).
>> Final render will point back to full resolution originals.
>> Look at userbase.kde.org/Kdenlive/Manual for any info!
> That's great to know.
> For the record, I had searched the manual referenced above but sometimes
> it is hard to find the answers to specific questions like this and the
> 'Project Monitor' issue Brian helped me with earlier. Little issues that
> prevent you from getting your feet wet.
> I feel comfortable now, got my togs on, and raring to go :).
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> Cheers Simon
>    Simon Cropper - Open Content Creator
>    Free and Open Source Software Workflow Guides
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