[kdenlive] Main guide does not appear in timeline

Brian Cluff kdenlive at macrosift.com
Tue Dec 2 06:50:46 UTC 2014

On 12/01/2014 09:34 PM, Simon Cropper wrote:
> On my new install the Project Monitor was not a tab in the Monitor
> Widget as in previous versions and can't be reassociated with the other
> monitors. Dragging the Project Monitor to the Kdenlive 'Desktop' just
> pushes other elements to one side.
> Is this a bug or by design?

You should be able to drag the project monitor on top of the clip 
monitor in such a way as the clip monitor is highlighted but nothing 
shifts around to make room for it.  When you drop the project monitor it 
should add itself as a tab along with the clip monitor and then kdenlive 
does a really good job at switching back and forth between the 2 

Brian Cluff

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