[Kdenlive-devel] Fwd: [Frei0r] [PATCH] Add "colgate", a new color correction plugin.

Dan Dennedy dan at dennedy.org
Fri Sep 21 16:47:53 UTC 2012

Here is a kdenlive effect description for the new colgate plugin.

<!DOCTYPE kpartgui>
    <effect tag="frei0r.colgate" id="frei0r.colgate">
        <name>White Balance (LMS space)</name>
        <description>Do simple color correction, in a physically meaningful
        <author>Steiner H. Gunderson</author>
        <parameter type="color" name="Neutral Color" default="0x7f7f7fff">
                <name>Neutral Color</name>
        <parameter type="simplekeyframe" name="Color Temperature"
default="6500" min="1000" max="15000" factor="15000">
                <name>Color Temperature</name>

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