[Kdenlive-devel] Kdenlive 0.9.2 released, and a versioning question

Michael Shigorin mike at osdn.org.ua
Wed May 30 06:02:52 UTC 2012

On Wed, May 30, 2012 at 12:16:40AM +0200, jb wrote:
> So my guess is that we should use the rather standard x.y.z
> format where x is increased when a new major release is made,
> y is increased when a new minor release is made and z is for
> bugfix releases.  Is that ok for everyone?

Fine with me.

> Second question, in Randa last year we decided to use even
> number for stable releases and odd numbers for development
> releases. However that was before the move to git, and now
> I am not sure it really makes sense.

Maybe but only if there are actual users of unstable *releases*
since these tend to rely on upstream SCM anyways.  Are there any?

> The biggest puzzle for me is what version number should be used
> for trunk now that there is a 0.9 branch...

Depends on what comes out of that "trunk": if the next version
getting tagged is 0.9.x, then 0.9; if it would be 0.10.0, then
0.10; if the goal is 1.0.0, then 1.0.

See http://collectd.org for one of quite elaborate examples:
http://git.verplant.org/?p=collectd.git (one of my favourite
upstreams in both functional and packaging senses :)

 ---- WBR, Michael Shigorin <mike at altlinux.ru>
  ------ Linux.Kiev http://www.linux.kiev.ua/

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