[Kdenlive-devel] Release and future...

jb jb at kdenlive.org
Fri Sep 2 23:06:55 UTC 2011

On Saturday 03 September 2011 00:44:46 Till Theato wrote:

> > 1) Change the effect XML depending on the filter version
> > 
> > I did some test and managed to have a working implementation that
> > will bring different parameters depending on the filter version,
> > see my last commit:
> > http://kdenlive.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/kdenlive?view=revision&revisi
> > on=5855
> Is
> it correct that only one file was committed?

It is possible to put several effects description in just one file if we put 
the effects in a <group> tag.

> > 2) upgrade project files using older version of the filter
> > 
> > Since MLT now stores the frei0r filter version in the xml data, it
> > should be pretty straightforward. Till, are you taking care of it?
> > I will have some time between the 5th an the 7th of September in
> > case some work is required on that side.
> Sorry for the delay, I am fighting with QtScript for a week now (with
> little spare time). The result unfortunately is a lot of redundancy
> across the XML files and overall ugliness.
> As you can see in the attached file: Way to much code for only a
> single file...
> The adopt function could be replaced by what you introduced in your
> latest commit or by what Dan proposed: Do the same thing you
> implemented but on parameter level (-> less duplication).

Currently, it seems easier to me to check it at the effect level. Having it at 
the parameter level could bring some complicated stuff (imagine that we have 3 
versions of a filter, each having different minimums, maximums, parameters 
appearing or removed... That would in the end result in a very complicated 

In my version, we simple put one xml copy for each version of the filter, and 
Kdenlive will only load the correct version.

> Regarding the update thing I don't know.... Levels is a rather easy
> example but on other effects we can't just multiply the whole thing by
> a factor since we also have to consider keyframes. Rather easy however
> with the update function concept. Anyone any ideas on how to do it
> with less code?

> The adopt function is fully integrated in Kdenlive and works, but is
> probably to be removed again.
> The result of the update function is not yet replacing the original
> effect in the project. I will try to finish it this weekend. Well that
> is unless someone comes up with a better idea.
> For the update thing to work a MLT release would be required, too. @Dan?

Oh, you mean because the frei0r version is new in MLT... right I didn't think 
about it...

> > Once both steps have been taken for the filters that will be
> > modified in frei0r, I will prepare the release.
> What about that 10 tracks bug?

That's an MLT issue, I have not investigated more.


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