[Kdenlive-devel] Questions about audio effects

Hugh Tebby hugh.tebby at gmail.com
Sun May 30 16:18:12 UTC 2010

Hi everyone,

I thought would look into the effects list in order to give more detailed
information about the effects and maybe reorganize things a little, see what
effects work, which ones don't etc.

I went through all the SOX and LADSPA audio effects, and here are a few
conclusions :
- Many effects have either no effect or clearly don't work correctly
- There are duplicates betwwen SOX, LADSPA and 'native' effects

So here are a few questions :
- If we remove the duplicate effects, which should be kept ? LADSPA or SOX ?
- Should all effects that don't seem to work correctly be disabled ? Should
the xml file actually be removed or put into a "not_working" folder ?

Also, I can't quite understand how the Kdenlive interface connect to the
effects. For the LADSPA, for instance, the Equalizer effect has three inputs
(logain, midgain and higain), but the actual LADSPA effect (mbeq_1197) has
15 possible frequencies, and running 'analyseplugin mbeq_1197' gives me :

Plugin Name: "Multiband EQ"
Plugin Label: "mbeq"
Plugin Unique ID: 1197
Maker: "Steve Harris <steve at plugin.org.uk>"
Copyright: "GPL"
Must Run Real-Time: No
Has activate() Function: Yes
Has deativate() Function: No
Has run_adding() Function: Yes
Environment: Normal or Hard Real-Time
Ports:  "50Hz gain (low shelving)" input, control, -70 to 30, default 0
        "100Hz gain" input, control, -70 to 30, default 0
        "156Hz gain" input, control, -70 to 30, default 0
        "220Hz gain" input, control, -70 to 30, default 0
        "311Hz gain" input, control, -70 to 30, default 0
        "440Hz gain" input, control, -70 to 30, default 0
        "622Hz gain" input, control, -70 to 30, default 0
        "880Hz gain" input, control, -70 to 30, default 0
        "1250Hz gain" input, control, -70 to 30, default 0
        "1750Hz gain" input, control, -70 to 30, default 0
        "2500Hz gain" input, control, -70 to 30, default 0
        "3500Hz gain" input, control, -70 to 30, default 0
        "5000Hz gain" input, control, -70 to 30, default 0
        "10000Hz gain" input, control, -70 to 30, default 0
        "20000Hz gain" input, control, -70 to 30, default 0
        "Input" input, audio
        "Output" output, audio
        "latency" output, control

So I suppose the "logain", "midgain" and "higain" must be specified
somewhere, but i can find no documentation about it.

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