[Kdenlive-devel] KDEnlive and OpenShot

Dan Dennedy dan at dennedy.org
Wed Mar 10 18:18:44 UTC 2010

On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 6:27 AM, el jefe delito <eljefedelito at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I must admit I had a hard time choosing between Kdenlive and OpenShot.
> An unlikely request, but since both OpenShot and KDEnlive use MLT on the backend, I would think that it would be beneficial to the userbases of each if the files created in one application could also be used in the other.  Creating some sort of XML-based 'standard' (maybe better described as 'common') file format for the two apps would be great and would help prevent lockin to a single application.
> Just thinkin' here.  Feel free to point out the obvious amount of work that may be needed and shoot me down.

There is already one: MLT XML. Kdenlive already uses it for its
project file format. It extends MLT's XML schema in order to save your
"Project Tree" since that concept is purposely absent within MLT. This
is the reason why kdenlive can launch 'melt' to render your projects
in the background. This is also the reason why OpenShot can include
Kdenlive projects as a virtual clip. However, OpenShot does not use
this because it is not sufficient and it using some Python
serialization, which is more convenient. Someone is already working on
a MLT XML export for OpenShot. Also, FYI, MLT XML can parse Kino SMIL
XML to allow loading those projects as virtual clips within Kdenlive
or OpenShot.

Also, with that said, as Kdenlive may develop a higher level effect
system such as OpenShot's, that can not be represented in MLT XML
because the MLT objects are a lower level implementation of this
higher level effect "composition." It will be rather difficult for the
projects to share at this level without some intense collaboration and
potentially stifling innovation and progress within each app.

I think an easier and highly worthwhile next step for all projects is
simply to load the MLT XML not as a virtual clip, but as a project so
you can revised the edits.


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