[Kdenlive-devel] Color correction tools: How and where to implement them?

Hugh Tebby hugh.tebby at gmail.com
Thu Jul 8 13:26:16 UTC 2010

In fact Kdenlive already has :
* levels (interface isn't great, but it does the job allright)
* Curves (with a new curve widget from Krita if I'm not mistaken)
* 3-way color correction (actually never used it seriously, not sure how
usefull it is)

The way Curves was implemented (by using a frei0r plugin and adding a widget
from Krita) seems to me like being the easiest and most efficient way...

Please correct me if I'm wrong.


2010/7/7 Simon Eugster <simon.eu at gmail.com>

> Hi lists, hi Dan,
> As kdenlive lacks basic color information and correction tools like:
> Information:
> * Levels
> * RGB parade etc
> * Vectorscope/Waveform
> Correction:
> * Curves
> * Values
> * Others known from GIMP
> * 3-way color correction (blacks, mids, whites)
> I wanted to ask two things.
> First thing is: We have been discussing about using Gimp, GEGL, and
> ShowFoto.
> http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_name=200907081050.55569.kamikazow%40web.de&forum_name=kdenlive-devel
> http://www.kdenlive.org/forum/call-integrate-gegl-library-mlt-plugin
> http://www.kdenlive.org/forum/studying-digikam-color-and-light-tools
> What is the current status?
> It is not long ago yet and we have all been busy, so maybe nothing has
> changed since.
> And about speed of GEGL etc.: My opinion: Better slow color correction
> than no color correction at all.
> Second thing: The color information tools. As far as I know most of
> them would have to be programmed first. But how? I'm currently trying
> to figure out how to calculate a vectorscope display (it seems that
> everyone in the web knows how to do it, because there are plugins for
> every possible tool, but they are always in binary form, and I have
> been searching for hours for a formula and haven't found anything).
> Now I could just make it a frei0r effect. But as a) frei0r seems to be
> dead and b) a vectorscope is not used as effect that should be visible
> in the rendered video, I want to ask you how this would best be
> implemented. Ideally such that it is reusable by other programs.
> The point is also, I would like to do it interactively. Means, if I
> e.g. have a levels display[1] I would like to be able to select the
> lower 25 % of the curve (all dark pixels) and have them highlighted in
> the kdenlive project monitor. So I guess neither frei0r nor MLT would
> be suitable for that at the moment? (I don't know MLT yet, and frei0r
> only partially) Could MLT probably be extended this way, or is this
> not intended?
> Simon
> [1] http://docs.gimp.org/en/gimp-tool-levels.html
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