[Kdenlive-devel] Kdenlive and embedding 3rd party apps

Markus kamikazow at web.de
Wed Jul 8 08:27:36 UTC 2009

Am Dienstag, 7. Juli 2009 19:37:50 schrieb Javier Agustìn Fernàndez Arroyo:
> and, in a similar way, i dont think its a good idea to suggest user to
> install KOffice to get full kdenlive functionality if this user has already
> installed, lets say, openoffice (this is my case, for example)...

First of all, let me say that I'm against embedding other apps at all.
But if it will be done, KOffice is the most logical choice (certainly more 
than Scribus, GIMP, or OpenOffice). You obviously don't understand the amount 
of differences between KOffice and OpenOffice. That's OK.
To make things clear: The name "KOffice" is really bad, because it doesn't 
reflect what it can actually do. KOffice isn't even an application or a set of 
applications. It's foremost a set of frameworks (called "Flakes"). KPresenter 
and the other apps are mostly mere launchers for those frameworks. No one has 
to actually clutter his/her K-Menu with more app icons. The main set of 
KOffice frameworks is ~10MB in size.
While not great to require 10MB more, it's far less than Scribus' ~30MB -- and 
that's only for a beefed up text editor.
If Jean-Michel chooses to improve the text editor in Kdenlive by embedding 
some KOffice components (probably the ones used by KPresenter), other KOffice 
components can be used elsewhere without additional dependencies.

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