[Kdenlive-devel] kdenlive and Gimp

Dan Dennedy dan at dennedy.org
Tue Jul 7 21:56:53 UTC 2009

On Tue, Jul 7, 2009 at 12:01 PM, radist<radist at list.ru> wrote:
> On Вторник 07 июля 2009 16:23:07 Simon Eugster wrote:
>> Hello friends,
>> I'd like to re-visit an idea brought up by Slavko about two weeks ago
>> (June, 24th): Processing a clip with The Gimp.
>> I have no idea how to do it, but wouldn't this be a very powerful feature?
>> You could do almost everything, color corection, filters, whatever.
>> Perhaps it could be added as kind of effect.
>> Is that realistic?
>> Simon
>> See also: http://www.gimp.org/tutorials/Basic_Batch/
> Hi. Kdenlive + Gimp = Compositing software:) like Apple's Shake and Adobe
> Effects.
> for what? Kdenlive it's multi-track video editor.
> The good idea is:
> 1) Rendering Gimp's files *. xjt, * xjtgz, * xjtbz2, *. xcf and opening them
> by right-click menu.
> 2) import every gimp's layer (*. xjt, * xjtgz, * xjtbz2, *. xcf) as kdenlive
> track , 1 solid gimp = 1 track kdenlive.
> This will allow  to sophisticat animated drawings.

Gimp Animation Package provides very good support for image sequences
instead of layers, which MLT (and partially Kdenlive) and other tools
already support. Is XCF and layers better? Is there a library to
support reading XCF and more importantly selecting individual layers?


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