[Kdenlive-devel] translation errors

amir sher amir_in at netvision.net.il
Wed Apr 1 16:41:05 UTC 2009

1. "Volume (keframable)"  -->  "Volume (keyframable)"
2. "Audio codec" and "Audio Codec"
3. "MLT" shows a few times as "Mlt"
4. "Change Track" and "Change track"
5. "Color Clip" and "Color clip"
6. "DVD" shows as "Dvd" and "dvd"
7. "Delete Clip" and "Delete clip"
8. "Delete Folder" and "Delete folder"
9. "Delete Track" and "Delete track"
10. well, a lot of duplicates with "Delete ..."
11. same with "Edit ..." and "Frame ..." and ""Image ..." and ""Insert 
..." and "Save ..." and "Video ..."
12. "File name" and "Filename"
13. "Gain Out" and "Gain out"
14. "Group Clips" and "Group clips"
15. "Remove Space" and "Remove space"
16. "Selection Tool" and "Selection tool"
17. "Slideshow Clip" and "Slideshow clip"
18. "Split Audio" and "Split audio"
19. "Ungroup Clips" and "Ungroup clips"

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