[Kdenlive-devel] 0.7 translation

Juan M herrej01 at gmail.com
Sat Oct 4 17:36:21 UTC 2008


quite a long time without being in contact, due hard work and holidays, and
now that I come back to kdenlive it seems you have more work for me :-)

I've seen that 0.7 release is just coming, and although there's not too much
time, I think I'll be able to prepare the Catalan translation in time.
Please keep informed when the .pot file is ready to translate.

I've just downloaded the last version from SVN and I must say it's much more
nice than the old KDE3 version !!! I've no time to dive into the
functionality, but as soon as I can I'll let you know my findings on bugs &

Keep with this fantastic work !

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