[Kdenlive-devel] Nightly Build Tarball

Kyle Hotchkiss hotchkikr at gmail.com
Thu Feb 14 23:48:13 UTC 2008

Ok, to start with I really like kdenlive, but the problem is that my linux
computer doesn't have internet.
My mom's computer does - but it runs windows. I have to use a svn from
cygwin, because tortoisesvn doesn't write the line endings in a "linux
friendly way". It then takes like 1/2 a hour to get all the files on my
thumb drive.

My point is, is it possible to come across a daily tarball (or whatever you
call it) for mlt, mlt++, and kdenlive? (or maybe a program that does it for


"Let's keep it hot in dis parking lot!"
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