[Kdenlive-devel] ffmpeg VDPO patch for h264 decoding

Dan Dennedy dan at dennedy.org
Mon Dec 15 05:33:49 UTC 2008

On Sun, Dec 14, 2008 at 8:36 AM, Jean-Michel Pouré <jm at poure.com> wrote:
> Dear friends,
> I found a patch for FFmpeg h264 decoding using Nvidia VDPAU:
> http://archives.free.net.ph/message/20081130.210339.c1c512ae.fr.html
> I don't know to what extent it would also speed up AVCHD display.
> A Nvidia GForce 9400 GT 512 video card cost 40€ and has 16 cores. VDPAU
> can also run on GForce 8400, which are old card available for less
> money.

I believe all cards that support VDPAU and CUDA require PCI Express
x16. I do not have any computers that support that! My main
workstation is a dual Athlon 2000 from 2001, which was high end for
the time. It only has AGP, but it is still a decent desktop system by
even today's standards. I can not even locate a video card at a
physical retailer that carries cards for AGP! Last spring I built a
Quad Core system to mimic the setup of the a product I was helping to
develop for a commercial MLT user. It only supports up to x8 PCI
Express. I do have a MacBook Pro from my employer with an 8600M GT,
but it is not clear if it is supported. I have 64-bit Arch Linux
running on it, and I will see if I can get it working.


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