[Kdenlive-devel] Questions and suggestions regarding Slideshow clips

Harry van der Wolf harryvanderwolf at xs4all.nl
Tue Mar 6 15:12:53 UTC 2007


I have some questions and suggestions about the "Create Slideshow clip".

1. Pop-up texts:
a. The image duration says : Frames per image. It might be better to 
change this to Durations (seconds). Based on project settings (NTSC, 
PAL, or 15fps for web?) this will then automatically be translated in 
needed frames for the specified duration.
b. The same is valid for Transition duration.

2. Quality of transitions:
When I select a Crossfade transition without LUMA file, the rendered 
slideshow in the end looks good. However, the slideshow effect is 
sometimes not visible at all. It looks as if it is skipped.
Also, When I select a nice LUMA transition (clock, the new swirl, or 
- the transition effect is sometimes not visible at all
- sometimes it looks like a "stutter" going from one slide to another, 
but the effect itself is not visible
- and sometimes the effect is not finished, showing artifacts from the 
previous slide in the current slide (after the transition is finished, 
that is).

My questions here are:
a. how is the slideshow implemented? Is it a (external) call tot 
DVD-Slideshow (or dir2slideshow) from the DVD-slideshow tools, and if 
so: what version is needed? My Kubuntu comes shipped with the 0.72 
package. Is anyone using a newer version (the new 0.80) and does he/she 
do not have this caveats in quality (assuming it is based on dvd-slideshow)?
b. If it is not dvd-slideshow, is there some quality setting for 
slideshows within Kdenlive. Some video packages also have a separate 
slideshow functionality. These slideshows are sometimes generated with a 
lower quality as the changes from frame to frame are almost zero, unless 
you start to use fancy transitions in which case you need some 
intelligence to create slideshows with low bandwidth on the slide itself 
and high bandwidth on the transitions (2-pass encoders, same for video).
c. If b is true, can you put in some high/low quality setting in case 
transitions are used.

3. Random transitions.
Some time ago I asked for the possibility of random transitions in a 
slideshow. I still have that wish. I'm considering writing a Kommander 
script to do this using the DVD-slideshow tools, but it would be very 
nice if Kdenlive could do this (which also means that I don't have to do 
it: yes, I admit I'm lazy). On the other hand: if (not when) I finish 
this, I will share it with everyone who is interested.

All in all, I'm very, very happy with the Kdenlive package. I only like 
some minor improvements to make it the complete package for all video 
editing related aspects. I have already abandoned Windows as I only used 
(needed) windows for video editing. Thanks to Kdenlive not anymore.

Kind regards,

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