[Kdenlive-devel] Problem exporting to any format

Stephane Fillod f8cfe at free.fr
Mon Mar 5 21:46:48 UTC 2007

Mon, Mar 05, 2007 at 09:35:45PM +0100, Carlos Dávila skribis:
> Hello all
> I have a project set to pal, 720x576 that I exported correctly time ago 
> to mpeg 720x576.  I'm trying to export it again now, but I get an image 
> completely deformed, very narrow and tall, instead of wide and low. I 
> have tried exporting to different formats (pal dvd, mpeg 720x576 high, 
> medium and low, mpeg4 720x576 medium) but all give same result. There 
> must be an error in image format setting, but I can't find it, so I need 
> your help.
> I'm using kdenlive from svn (19 Feb 07)

This must be the 16:9 trouble I ran into couple of weeks ago.
Simply update with the latest svn, and the problem will go away.

You may also simply edit kdenlive/exportwidget.cpp an remove the
following lines:
--- kdenlive/exportwidget.cpp   (revision 1356)
+++ kdenlive/exportwidget.cpp   (revision 1357)
@@ -727,9 +727,6 @@
     *m_exportProcess << "stats_on=1";
     // workaround until MLT's default qscale value is fixed
     *m_exportProcess << "qscale=1";
-    *m_exportProcess << "aspect_ratio=16:9";
-    *m_exportProcess << "frame_aspect_ratio=16:9";
-    *m_exportProcess << "aspect=16:9";
     if (!KdenliveSettings::videoprofile().isEmpty())
        *m_exportProcess<<"profile=" + KdenliveSettings::videoprofile();
     connect(m_exportProcess, SIGNAL(processExited(KProcess *)), this, SLOT(endExport(KProcess *)));


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