[Kdenlive-devel] IPB frame order and possible link tomy"jerking" video?

Jan Uhlir espinosa_cz at centrum.cz
Thu Jun 7 02:19:42 UTC 2007

>> Also, I think it would be interesting to work on getting a good
>> quality DV AVI 
>> out of kdenlive and then try using it with mjpegtools mpeg2enc (you
>> can use 
>> Kino as a frontend) to see what the result is. 
>Thanks a lot for the explaination Dan.
>So which output should we use as default? 
>avi DV?

I would suggest pipes transfering some uncompressed plain format (YUV? RGB?) to mpeg2enc and then to mplex.
Kino seems to have somethig we would like to have in it's export scripts.

DV Avi - 
No temporary files please! Asepcially not DV. They are HUGE!
BTW, DV AVI has limited variety of supported resolutions, just PAL and NTFS, this would make system unflexible.

And after all, converting MPEG to DV and back to MPEG would bring much unvanted reencoding = unwanted artifacts.


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