[Kdenlive-devel] Not render whole video
jb at ader.ch
Wed Jan 17 10:38:31 UTC 2007
GeBu wrote:
> I solve one problem:
> Many times we do very simple edition of video: join some introduction at
> the beginning and something at the end like 10s clips created from
> pictures. Typically now we work on videos from conference about Linux.
> It is nice if there fade in and out betwen beginning and lecture and
> KDEnlive is cool tool for it.
> BUT: We have 8s changes in video and we must render whole video. So we
> think that best way is cut part at the beginning and end edit them and
> join back.
> The problem was how to cut end. This is small script, which:
> Create 10s video start.avi from beginning of original.
> Create 10s video end.avi from end of original.
Yes, interesting idea. If it is possible to get frame precision & we
don't loose frames/ audio data when putting back the movies together, it
should be possible to make a non destructive editing mode in Kdenlive
using this method. We could detect parts of the timeline which are not
modified be filters/transitions, split the clips accordingly, render the
necessary parts and join everything back...
FFmpeg can also split a movie with something like:
ffmpeg -vcodec copy -sameq -acodec copy -ss 00:45:00 -t 01:30:00 -i
movie.avi result.avi
Does anyone have some experience with this kind of splitting movies &
putting them back together ?
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