[Kdenlive-devel] Broken support of mpeg2 files in Kdenlive 0.4

Jan Uhlir espinosa_cz at centrum.cz
Tue Feb 27 15:20:05 UTC 2007

Congratulations on great work! Unfortunately, I have to start my mail list attendance by a bugreport :(
Broken support of mpeg2 files in Kdenlive 0.4.

Version: 0.4
Suse Linux 10.2, latest Kdenlive from Packman repository.

Attempt 1/
I have downloaded a VOB file (1GB) from my DVD (originally craeted by TV set top box DVD writer ).
Insert vob as video clip to Kdenlive empty project. Checked in clip property dialog - all OK except sound (see note at the bottom).

Tryed to play clip - sound was OK but picture in clip window didn't get refreshed or I could see only very small variations, a few first frames perhaps.

I put whole VOB into timeline. Length was OK. Tried to play but the timeline monitor showed the same behaving - sound OK, video didn't. Still just a rather static image or a few first frames (cycling? loop?). After a frantic clicking on timeline I finally managed once or twice to update picture in timeline monitor.

Razor seems to work OK, splits video stream and created right thumbnails.

Variation 1.a: 
Rernamed vob to mpeg - no difference.

Variation 1.b: 
Crated a small much smaller mpeg from the big one (cca 20MB) - no difference.

Attempt 2/
I wrapped a small piece of mpeg2 to OGG container using Avidemux2. Simply I set A a B points, set copy method for A/V and OGG container (left panel) and clicked on Save as..

Finally, Kdenlive started to partly work with my mpeg2 clip. But still it's somewhat broken, picture in timeline monitor is not updated properly when you click randomly on timeline, somewhat lags behind the place you choose on timeline, but playback works (just hit play and picture is "fixed" in timeline monitor after a few frames).

Interesting is razor tool behaving. When moving razor cursor along the timeline the picture in timeline monitor seems to be updated correctly, BUT, Kdenlive started to leak memory after awhile (swap soars quickly) and Kdenlive crashed.

Attempt 3/
I wrapped a small piece of mpeg2 to AVI container. In the same way as with OGG. Kdenlive recognized video clip, but thumbnail was broken (mostly green), size was right too, and attempt to put clip on timeline ended in immediate Kdenlive crash.

Another strange thing. Audio stream was newer recognized, I cannot see any audio thumbnail, there is ) values in clip property window in audio section, but sound is played OK during playback.

I can upload my testing (a few mpeg) ogg on request.

Probably I'm not the first one pointing at this problem. Was something fixed in this area? Should I try to build my own Kdenlive + ffmpeg + MTL from SVN?


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