[Kdenlive-devel] mlt profiles

Dan Dennedy dan at dennedy.org
Wed Aug 1 21:46:04 UTC 2007

On Wednesday 01 August 2007 8:36:01 am jb wrote:
> On Wednesday 01 August 2007 16.02:19 Aleksander Adamowski wrote:
> > I understood your answer, I just tried to specify the prefix directory
> > using the GUI, and the dialog that pops up is a file select dialog - I
> > didn't notice that it insists to select a file and refuses to accept a
> > directory. When I copy/paste the prefix directory, it works fine.
> >
> > Are there any plans to imlement a configure option for KDEnlive to
> > specify the default prefix for share/mlt/profiles/? Or to search in
> > KDEnlive build prefix first, then system-wide /usr prefix?
> Yes, I am trying to fix the issue, but I havn't yet found a way to pass the
> path from the configure script to the kdenlive c++ source, havn't got much
> experience in that domain, so any hint is welcome...

In the makefile, set a variable to the output of the config script:
MLT_PREFIX = `mlt-config --prefix`

Then, add a cxxflag:

In the source, you can use the define:
std::string(MLT_PREFIX "/share/mlt/profiles/")

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