[Kdenlive-devel] mlt profiles

Aleksander Adamowski aleksander.adamowski at olo.org.pl
Wed Aug 1 17:05:36 UTC 2007

On 8/1/07, jb <jb at ader.ch> wrote:

> Yes, I am trying to fix the issue, but I havn't yet found a way to pass the
> path from the configure script to the kdenlive c++ source, havn't got much
> experience in that domain, so any hint is welcome...

Hey, I've tried Dan's suggestion of setting PKG_CONFIG_PATH to pkg/lib
under the build prefix. It works! So no need to mess with KDEnlive
build system, provided that PKG_CONFIG_PATH is correctly defined in
build environment.

After building everything with this definition, KDEnlive launches correctly.

I'v added this fix to the latest version of kdenlive_builder.sh, so if
anyone's interested, please test it:

Best Regards,
  Aleksander Adamowski

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