[Kdenlive-devel] Working on rendering feature

Ruslan Popov radz at yandex.ru
Mon Feb 13 20:52:10 UTC 2006

Heh, the year I've been out of Kdenlive programing has the results. I spend a 
lot of time to understand the GUI code :(
I look at AVFileFormat* classes, why does it need to create this set of 
classes for simple File Saving dialog?

I do the following in KRender constructor:
    // describe supported file formats
    const QString rawDvDesc = QString("Raw DV format, uses libdv");
    const char * rawDvName = "rawdv";
    m_fileFormats.append(new AVFileFormatDesc(rawDvDesc, rawDvName));
    const QString aviDvDesc = QString("AVI DV format, uses libavformat");
    const char * aviDvName = "avidv";
    m_fileFormats.append(new AVFileFormatDesc(aviDvDesc, aviDvName));

AVFileFormatDesc class wants 'const char *&' as second parameter. What the 
reason to use '*&' here???

If I understand right, I need to implement some features in the 
AVFileFormatWidget class and in the nearby classes.
Best regards

    _/_/           _/_/    Ruslan Popov
   _/  _/  _/_/   _/ _/    Mobile: +7 (916) 926-12-05
  _/  _/ _/  _/  _/  _/    Site: http://rad.xtalk.msk.su/
 _/_/   _/  _/  _/ _/      E-mail: radz at yandex.ru
_/  _/  _/_/_/ _/_/        Home, Snegiri, Moscow region, Russia

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