[Kdenlive-devel] Applied patches

Jason Wood jasonwood at blueyonder.co.uk
Mon Jul 26 08:12:18 UTC 2004

On Sunday 25 July 2004 18:09, Rob Hare wrote:
>  Hey,
>  The first patch works fine. The second patch did not take.
>  I have also started working on the clip properties dialog. The layout is
> basically in place and now dockable, although it could use some tweaking. I
> have hard coded some dummy data for appearance.  See, 
> http://www.nocturnalatl.com/index.html   for a screenshot.  Based on the
> architecture, I'm guessing Piave will supply the clip information. What
> information is available? and,
>  How is it accessible?
>  I looked back thru the archives and didn't find any discussion on this
> dialog. Are there any other things I should be aware of?

The krender.h/cpp files contain all communication between kdenlive and piave. 
There is a VEML command that get's sent to piave via the getFileProperties() 
method (line 263 in my krender.cpp sourcefile), and piave replies with 
detailed info about the file in question (line 525 in krender.cpp)

Note that all communication is asyncrhonous - you should fire off the request 
for the information you want, and then do other things until the result 
happens to arrive - don't hang around waiting for piave to reply :-)

This is an example reply from piave, which should give you an idea of what 
info is available :

<reply command="getFileProperties" duration="13.080000" 
filename="/home/uchian/video/kdenlivepromo/promo002.dv" status="ok">
      <stream duration="13.080000" 
          <container format="rawdv">
              <codec aspect="1.333333" format="DV" fps="25.000000" 
height="576" name="libdv_decoder" system="PAL" type="video" width="720" />
              <codec bitspersample="16" channels="0" emphasis="on" 
format="PCL" frequency="1280" name="libdv_decoder" quantization="0" 
sampling="2" type="audio" />

The signal emitted by krender at the moment does not parse or pass on any of 
this info - it reads the filename and duration which until now has been all 
it needed to do. It will need to be extended.

If you take a look at the family of avformat*.h/cpp classes, they are the 
current attempt to describe the various file formats and the information in 
them (The classes are used for passing a file format to piave when rendering, 
and for dynamically constructing an interface that allows the user to set the 
file type and codecs, etc.). I am unsure if they are reusable for the clip 
properties page but it's worth a look.

My guess is that the best thing to do - whether using the avformat classes or 
not - would be to store the extra information in DocClipBase or DocClipAVFile 
so that we can store it at the same time the duration information is recieved 
from piave. 

Hope that helps, let me know if you need more info :-)


p.s. will have another go at applying the second patch.


Jason Wood
Homepage : www.uchian.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk

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