[Kdenlive-devel] Tarball Update

Jason Wood jasonwood at blueyonder.co.uk
Fri Sep 12 08:15:11 UTC 2003

On Wednesday 10 Sep 2003 10:06 am, Rolf Dubitzky wrote:
> On Tuesday 09 September 2003 23:46, Jason Wood wrote:
> > And the AVI input plugin is a happy addition - I have a number of AVI
> > files originally captured in Adobe Premiere that I can now use in
> > Kdenlive without converting first :-)
> Interesting, so it works? Keep in mind, that piave is not using the
> seperate audiotrack, but the audio which is interleaved inside the DV video
> stream, so in case you did some audio editing in Adobe, piave will probably
> miss it.

The files were captured on a windows machine, but have not been edited, so 
they will be pure raw DV files.

Some of the files did not load in piave - on closer inspection, they are the 
files that have been rendered by Premier.

> > > Many things changed inside.
> > >
> > > Please test the CVS HEAD and let me know what I screwed up. I still
> > > don't have my computer at the new place, and it's difficult for me to
> > > test everything on my laptop.
> >
> > There is a HUGE memory leak somewhere in piave CVS :-( If you try to edit
> > something in Kdenlive for any length of time, you will find that your
> > computer starts to thrash the hard drive quite vigorously. According to
> > top, piave reached 80% memory usage before my laptop became completely
> > unresponsive and killed the X server.
> > I am not sure as to what was causing the increases in memory usage, but
> > my suspicions are when kdenlive passes piave a new scenelist.
> Oooopsy.. ;-)   Can you tell me what exactly you are doing?

Using Kdenlive ;-)

Sorry, it's difficult to me more specific - basically I was adding clips to 
the project (this does not appear to be the issue), and then dragging the to 
the timeline and manipulating them, playing them back, etc. My suspicion is 
that the leak is within scenelist generation - on my home machine I have 
"fixed" (with a hack for the short term) the issue with too many scenelists 
being sent to piave, and the issue seems to have become less of one.

However, doing general manipulations on the timeline does give most of piave a 
workout so it could potentially be something to do with seeking/playing as 

> > On the Kdenlive front, it appears that I am sending too many scenelists
> > to piave again with the changes to the way the timeline worked, I will
> > fix this.
> >
> > Also, unless anyone thinks it is a bad idea, I shall turn off the debug
> > monitor by default for the release (it can be re-enabled in the debug
> > window, but will have to be done each time the app is run) - the amount
> > of information it spews out affects the speed of the interface too much
> > at the moment :-)
> I think it would be much better if one could just dum the output to a file,
> I find the small list pretty unreadable. I don't use it anyway, I just
> start piave in a seperate shell.

Hmmm, well there is an option to dump to a file, but no option to stop it 
appearing on screen as well. I think I might take a look at the logging 
capabilities on the Qt text widget again. The only trouble with that is that 
they only appeared in Qt 3.1 - so it breaks compatability with KDE 3.0, which 
is not something I want to do at the moment.

Thinking about it though, the interface should be generic enough already to be 
able to dump to a file and/or screen. I'll have a think about it.

> I have a couple of oother small things which I'll post as soon as I find
> the paper where I noted them down...

Looking forward to hearing them :-)

p.s. I find KJots (part of KDE somewhere) an incredibly useful application for 
jotting down ideas - give it a try, it saves hunting for scraps of paper :-)


Jason Wood
Homepage : www.uchian.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk

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