[Kdenlive-devel] Compiling KDenLive on a debian system

Jason Wood jasonwood at blueyonder.co.uk
Mon Jun 30 20:48:41 UTC 2003

On Monday 30 June 2003 14:56, liebrand at apollo.nu wrote:
> All,
> After many weeks of trying to sit down and get kdenlive up and running,
> I've finally been able to put normal (boring) work aside and indeed give it
> a go.

Great :-)

> This is the first time I'm actually working with a 'work in progress'
> project like this, so I didn't expect things to go easy ;-)
> ... and they haven't...

Not so great :-(

> Probably because I'm running debian, which isn't your easiest distro. But I
> like debian alot, since it's 'clean', albeit the manual effort can be quite
> high.
> Is there anybody on this list that is also running debian?

I used to run debian until around about the time KDE 3.0 came out - then I 
swapped to Mandrake 'cos I was impatient to get my hands on it and the Debian 
maintainer was busy with exams :-)

> The reason I ask, is that I'm having quite a bit of difficulty getting the
> correct packages of qt and kde together. Kdenlive needs libqt3 right?
> Since I'm running a baseline basically based off of woody, that means i'm
> running libqt2 (for as far as I can make out).

The easiest way to check is probably to do :

locate libqt

and see what version numbers it comes up with.

Yes, you need qt 3.x and KDE 3.x. Kdenlive should work with 3.x version, 
although you may come across problems since I only use the latest version - 
sometimes the odd function from 3.1 creeps into the code, but if it doesn't 
compile, it's a bug - let me know!

> Is there any 'easy' / 'quick' way to upgrade to qt3? apt-get seems to be
> quite trigger happy in removing all apps that depend on qt2 (which is a
> whole lot), and I dont really want to manually update all of them once I've
> gone up to qt3.

I'm afraid I can't really help on this - all I can say is the libqt2 and 
libqt3 _should_ be able to coexist nicely with each other. I am unsure if the 
same holds for KDE though. Your best bet would be to ask on one of the debian 
mailing lists.

If it's any consolation, once you do have libqt3 and kdelibs installed, 
compilation should (fingers crossed) be a breeze :-)


Jason Wood
Homepage : www.uchian.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk

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