[Kdenlive-devel] MjpegTools Export module...

Jason Wood jasonwood at blueyonder.co.uk
Fri Jan 24 18:44:05 UTC 2003

On Friday 24 Jan 2003 10:08 am, Rolf Dubitzky wrote:
> Are you thinking of something like this? Where the two lower boxes show the
> parameters available for the selected file format.
>  _________________________________
> | _______________________________ |
> |
> || output:                       ||
> ||     rawdv, avi, mpeg          ||
> ||_______________________________||
> |
> | ______________  _______________ |
> |
> || (video cod)  || (audio cod)   ||
> ||  - params    ||  - params     ||
> ||  - params    ||  - params     ||
> ||  - params    ||  - params     ||
> ||______________||_______________||
> |
> |_________________________________|
> |

Yes, except that the "major" selection of file format (avi, rawdv, mpeg, etc.) 
will probably be in a list view on the left, and the top box will contain 
general options, such as filename.

The number of boxes for codecs will be variable, so the dialog should be able 
to accomodate multiple audio streams, etc.

If on construction the dialog is going to be *huge* due to the number of 
options, I shall code it in so that the layout changes to a tabbed view, with 
each codec being in a seperate tab.

I am in the middle of coding the file format dialog classes, once I've 
finished I will commit them with a couple of mock file formats so that you 
can see how it works and comment on it.


Jason Wood
Homepage : www.uchian.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk

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