[Kdenlive-devel] MjpegTools Export module...

Jason Wood jasonwood at blueyonder.co.uk
Thu Jan 23 17:19:13 UTC 2003

On Thursday 23 Jan 2003 4:49 pm, Rolf Dubitzky wrote:
> On Thursday 23 January 2003 05:20 pm, Jason Wood wrote:
> > File formats are all very similar to each other (as in, they all take
> > very similar parameters). There is no reason why saving to DV needs to be
> > a completely different dialog class from saving to DIVX, VCD or DVD
> > format.
> I am not sure I understand. different file formats probably have _very_
> different parameters. But in principle they have doubles, ints, named
> inclusive options (checkbox), and named exclusive options (radio buttons).
> This should be exactly the same syntax as for the capabilities of effects
> and transitions.

What I mean is that the majority of formats can be split into :

- Some general options
- Video specific options
- Audio specific options.

Where for things such as avi and quicktime, video and audio probably have a 
"choose your codec" option, and then internally to that we have the options 
specific to the codec.

Some formats might have more options (are there any formats which allow 
multiple video/audio streams?) and some might have less (e.g. saving as a 
sequence of pictures would not have either a video or audio section) but I 
think that they all fit into a similar pattern.

> > Since we are working on file formats at the moment, I think now is a good
> > time to see what kind of capabilities and parameters will be needed for
> > the various import/export functions.
> you need a generic interface for at least doubles, ints, checkboxen, and
> radio boxen. Later dependencies. (i.e. a specific raidiobox is only active
> when a special item somewhere else is selected, but we can skip this for
> now).

Ok, but I would like to keep it GUI-non-specific. So, boolean instead of 
checkbox, list instead of radio box, that kind of thing. I have not yet 
decided how to display the dialog box, but that should be up to kdenlive's 
interpretation of the information passed, rather than encoded into the 

> I'll come up with an example on the week end.


Jason Wood
Homepage : www.uchian.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk

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