[Kdenlive-devel] 0.0.3?

Jason Wood jasonwood at blueyonder.co.uk
Sat Jan 11 16:27:32 UTC 2003

On Saturday 11 Jan 2003 2:16 pm, Rolf Dubitzky wrote:
> Hi,
> I committed the last changes to CVS. If it works for you I'd call them
> 0.0.3 and make a new release. Are there problems?
> New in piave:
> ----------------
> - render command

Very cool, works great for me!

What we need now is a message to be sent to kdenlive to alert it to the 
rendering progress.

I haven't checked to see what piave does if the timeline is modified whilst a 
render is in progress (i.e. a setSceneList command, but I suggest that it 
should return an error status of some description.

> - ping command
>    ( piave -h will show you all supported commands )


> - play now honors start/stop
>   default start: last seek
>   default stop:  end


> - play will send current time every frame.

Ok, In response, kdenlive now tracks the play position (i.e. the marker 
follows playing).

If I have coded it correctly, Piave should _not_ be recieiving any seek 
commands from kdenlive during playing, unless you manually move the slider 
(i.e. click and drag it). Please let me know if this is not the case, as it 
will probably cause nasty stuttering.

> - option '-a' for full size display (will become VEML eventually )

We should at some point discuss how this will all work. In particular, I think 
it would be better if piave chose it's mode based upon a VEML "Quality" 
option and the current window size, rather than having a specific setting for 
"use fuill or half size".

> known bugs in piave:
> ------------------------
> - render only works if there are _NO_ gaps. trying to render a timeline
> with a single empty frame will crash piave.

Piave still appears to crash if /dev/dsp is inaccessible (as it is quite often 
on my computer).

> kdenlive:
> -----------
> - end of ruler does not shrink back when removing clips from end of
> timeline - removing clips does not work with keys or context menu


> - render file dialog should add .dv to filename by default


> - a left click without drag to the ruler does not set the slider

This is a bit tricky to fix at the moment, I need to have a good look at the 
architecture of the ruler and tweak it so that it can do everything we are 
going to want it to be able to do.

> - 'render' does not send scenelist if modified


> - still sometimes clips can not be moved even if there is still space left.
>   rounding errors?

I have an idea of how to fix this for good, but I have not yet implemented it. 

> - using the mouse wheel on a ruler could step the slider back and forth

Hmm, I was thinking of using the mouse wheel to zoom in and out. Perhaps this 
needs to be configurable?

> - after loading a project and modifying it, 'Save' does not become active,
> and I don't get asked if I want to save when exiting kdenlive.

Yes, the code for whether the project is modifed or not is somewhat screwed up 
at the moment, I need to look into it.


Jason Wood
Homepage : www.uchian.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk

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