[Kdenlive-devel] Another commit and time to start mentioning piave bugs ;-)

Jason Wood jasonwood at blueyonder.co.uk
Sun Feb 9 23:42:48 UTC 2003


I have committed a number of modifications to CVS :

*  I have implemented layouts. You can now choose a layout with F9-F12. 
Currently, no defaults are specified so you must set up and save them 
yourself (hold down Ctrl and press the function key you want to save the 
layout to).

Also, whatever layout you leave the UI when you close kdenlive will be the 
state that it will start at the next time you run it. This might cause 
troubles since I haven't yet implemented a "show window" menu. In other 
words, if you close a window and have not previously saved it into one of the 
four layouts, then you won't be able to get it back! The solution for the 
moment is :

rm ~/.kde/share/config/kdenliverc

* I have implemented two new features on the debug panel. The first is a 
checkbox that tells the window whether or not to catch debug messages. This 
is useful when piave crashes and Kdenlive constantly trys to re-open it. The 
second feature just removes the need to copy and paste the contents of the 
three render processes into a file - it's a "Save messages" button ;-)

* I have added two new panels, one to hold a list of effects, and one to 
display the effects that are attached to a clip. I don't intend to flesh 
these out too much just yet, but they are necessary for me to see if the XML 
description of effects is adequate. In the meantime, I'd like ideas on how 
you think they should be implemented!

* I have turned he "export" panel into a dialog, which shows when you select 
"export timeline" from the menu. It's not fully implemented yet - the 
rendered file is set to "/tmp/test.dv". This is top of my "TODO" list to 

Finally, here is a very reproducable bug on my computer - The piave workspace 
monitor appears for a couple of seconds, and then crashes. I also note that 
sometimes upon a piave crash, a number of piave threads/processes sometimes 
survive independantly of kdenlive. This can make it impossible for a new 
piave instance to start on the same port until the original processes are 
killed manually.

Here is the relevant debug info :

* Workspace Monitor

Launching Process /usr/local/bin/piave as server on port 6101
Process launching successfully, pid = 30973
Connecting to server on port 6101
Connection Refused
pluginmgr.cc:78 INFO: opened dll: 
pluginmgr.cc:90 INFO:    Register plugin  pluginName=InvertFilterPlugin
pluginmgr.cc:78 INFO: opened dll: 
pluginmgr.cc:90 INFO:    Register plugin  pluginName=AlphaBlendPlugin
pluginmgr.cc:78 INFO: opened dll: 
pluginmgr.cc:90 INFO:    Register plugin  pluginName=LibDVDecoderPlugin
pluginmgr.cc:90 INFO:    Register plugin  pluginName=LibDVEncoderPlugin
libdv_codec.cc:120 WARNING: FIXME
pluginmgr.cc:90 INFO:    Register plugin  pluginName=InRawDVStreamPlugin
pluginmgr.cc:90 INFO:    Register plugin  pluginName=OutRawDVStreamPlugin
pluginmgr.cc:78 INFO: opened dll: 
pluginmgr.cc:90 INFO:    Register plugin  pluginName=SDLStreamPlugin
server.cc:151 INFO: initListenSocket
server.cc:178 INFO: Listening on port 6101
Connected on port 37243 to host on port 6101
server.cc:118 INFO: Got connection on socket 13
server.cc:184 INFO: Stopp listening for connections
kdenserver.cc:472 INFO: starting main server loop
server.cc:238 INFO: >>>>>>>>> receive message start
server.cc:239 INFO: <message><getCapabilities/>

<createVideoXWindow format="rgb" show="false" />


server.cc:240 INFO: >>>>>>>>> receive message stop
kdenserver.cc:324 INFO: Recieved VEML command getCapabilities
Starting to parse document
Ignoring tag author
Ignoring tag about
Ignoring tag fade
Ignoring tag keyframe
Ignoring tag keyframe
Ignoring tag fade
Ignoring tag keyframe
Ignoring tag keyframe
Ignoring tag fade
Ignoring tag keyframe
Ignoring tag keyframe
Ignoring tag keyframe
Ignoring tag keyframe
Ignoring tag file
Ignoring tag container
Ignoring tag codec
Ignoring tag libdv_decoder
Ignoring tag codec
Ignoring tag libdv_decoder
Ignoring tag about
Ignoring tag X11
Ignoring tag X11
Ignoring tag format
Ignoring tag format
Ignoring tag format
Ignoring tag format
Ignoring tag format
Ignoring tag about
Creating codec with name libdv_encoder
Finishing parsing document
Parse successfull
kdenserver.cc:324 INFO: Recieved VEML command createVideoXWindow
kdenserver.cc:433 INFO: starting process thread
server.cc:213 INFO: <<<<<<<<<< sending message start
server.cc:214 INFO:   <capabilities>
      <renderer name="PIAVE" version="0.2.9">
          <author email="rolf at dubitzky.de" name="Rolf Dubitzky" />
blah... video render engine.. blah.. 
blah... GPL...  blah... 
cool.... blah... 
home: www.dubitzky.de/piave
(c) 2003 Rolf Dubitzky
      <general oneTrackEffects="yes" subFrameEditing="no" 
twoTrackEffects="yes" />
          <effect name="AlphaBlend">
              <input audio="yes" name="A" video="yes" />
              <input audio="yes" name="B" video="yes" />
              <parameter max="1.0" min="0.0" name="fade" type="double">
Controls the transparency of video B. At 0.0, video A is completely on screen. 
At 1.0, video B is completely visible.
              <preset name="crossfade">
                      <keyframe time="0.0" value="0.0"
Starting to parse document
Finishing parsing document
Parse successfull
                      <keyframe time="1.0" value="1.0" />
              <preset name="overlay">
                      <keyframe time="0.0" value="0.5" />
                      <keyframe time="1.0" value="0.5" />
              <preset name="inandout">
                      <keyframe time="0.0" value="0.0" />
                      <keyframe time="0.2" value="1.0" />
                      <keyframe time="0.8" value="1.0" />
                      <keyframe time="1.0" value="0.0" />
This binary operator can be used to overlay a still images,
fade in text, cross fade transitions, etc, etc...
          <effect name="InvertFilter">
              <input input="A" video="yes" />
This filter is a simple color inversion, no parameters.

          <instream name="libdv_instream">
                  <container extension=".dv" format="rawdv">
                      <codec type="video">
                          <libdv_decoder />
                      <codec type="audio">
                          <libdv_decoder />
Can read raw DV files.
          <outstream name="libdv_outstream">
                  <container extension=".dv" format="rawdv">
                      <codec type="video">
                          <libdv_encoder />
                      <codec type="audio">
                          <libdv_encoder />
 write raw DV files.
          <outstream name="SDLStream">
                  <X11 fallback="rgb" visual="xv" />
                  <X11 visual="rgb" />
Use SDL to display video. Uses xv overlay if available.
          <decoder name="libdv_decoder">
              <format fourcc="DVSD" />
              <format fourcc="dvsd" />
              <format fourcc="DVCS" />
              <format fourcc="dvcs" />
              <format fourcc="dvc" />
This codec uses libdv to decode DV video.
          <encoder name="libdv_encoder">
This codec uses libdv to encode DV video.

server.cc:215 INFO: <<<<<<<<<< sending message stop
pluginmgr.cc:188 INFO: trying AlphaBlend

property.cc:308 INFO:  _name=effect caps->getName()=outstream
property.cc:308 INFO:  _name=input caps->getName()=outstream
property.cc:308 INFO:  _name=input caps->getName()=outstream
property.cc:308 INFO:  _name=parameter caps->getName()=outstream
property.cc:308 INFO:  _name=preset caps->getName()=outstream
property.cc:308 INFO:  _name=fade caps->getName()=outstream
property.cc:308 INFO:  _name=keyframe caps->getName()=outstream
property.cc:308 INFO:  _name=keyframe caps->getName()=outstream
property.cc:308 INFO:  _name=preset caps->getName()=outstream
property.cc:308 INFO:  _name=fade caps->getName()=outstream
property.cc:308 INFO:  _name=keyframe caps->getName()=outstream
property.cc:308 INFO:  _name=keyframe caps->getName()=outstream
property.cc:308 INFO:  _name=preset caps->getName()=outstream
property.cc:308 INFO:  _name=fade caps->getName()=outstream
property.cc:308 INFO:  _name=keyframe caps->getName()=outstream
property.cc:308 INFO:  _name=keyframe caps->getName()=outstream
property.cc:308 INFO:  _
name=keyframe caps->getName()=outstream
property.cc:308 INFO:  _name=keyframe caps->getName()=outstream
property.cc:308 INFO:  _name=about caps->getName()=outstream
pluginmgr.cc:188 INFO: trying libdv_instream
property.cc:308 INFO:  _name=instream caps->getName()=outstream
property.cc:308 INFO:  _name=file caps->getName()=outstream
property.cc:308 INFO:  _name=container caps->getName()=outstream
property.cc:308 INFO:  _name=codec caps->getName()=outstream
property.cc:308 INFO:  _name=libdv_decoder caps->getName()=outstream
property.cc:308 INFO:  _name=codec caps->getName()=outstream
property.cc:308 INFO:  _name=libdv_decoder caps->getName()=outstream
property.cc:308 INFO:  _name=about caps->getName()=outstream
pluginmgr.cc:188 INFO: trying InvertFilter
property.cc:308 INFO:  _name=effect caps->getName()=outstream
property.cc:308 INFO:  _name=input caps->getName()=outstream
property.cc:308 INFO:  _name=about caps->getName()=outstream
pluginmgr.cc:188 INFO: trying libdv_decoder
property.cc:308 INFO:  _name=deco
der caps->getName()=outstream
property.cc:308 INFO:  _name=format caps->getName()=outstream
property.cc:308 INFO:  _name=format caps->getName()=outstream
property.cc:308 INFO:  _name=format caps->getName()=outstream
property.cc:308 INFO:  _name=format caps->getName()=outstream
property.cc:308 INFO:  _name=format caps->getName()=outstream
property.cc:308 INFO:  _name=about caps->getName()=outstream
pluginmgr.cc:188 INFO: trying libdv_encoder
property.cc:308 INFO:  _name=encoder caps->getName()=outstream
property.cc:308 INFO:  _name=about caps->getName()=outstream
pluginmgr.cc:188 INFO: trying libdv_outstream
property.cc:308 INFO:  _name=outstream caps->getName()=outstream
property.cc:308 INFO:  _name=file caps->getName()=screen
property.cc:308 INFO:  _name=about caps->getName()=screen
property.cc:308 INFO:  _name=file caps->getName()=outstream
property.cc:308 INFO:  _name=container caps->getName()=outstream
property.cc:308 INFO:  _name=codec caps->getName()=outstream
property.cc:308 INFO:  _name=libdv_encoder 
property.cc:308 INFO:  _name=codec caps->getName()=outstream
property.cc:308 INFO:  _name=libdv_encoder caps->getName()=outstream
property.cc:308 INFO:  _name=about caps->getName()=outstream
pluginmgr.cc:188 INFO: trying SDLStream
property.cc:308 INFO:  _name=outstream caps->getName()=outstream
property.cc:308 INFO:  _name=screen caps->getName()=screen
property.cc:308 INFO:  _name=X11 caps->getName()=X11
property.cc:322 INFO:  val=xv iter->second=xv
pluginmgr.cc:199 INFO: found plugin: SDLStream
sdlstream.cc:91 INFO: trying new SDL stream  width=360 height=288
sdlstream.cc:98 INFO: trying new SDL stream  width=360 height=288
sdlstream.cc:134 INFO: Initializing SDL
sdlstream.cc:145 INFO: setting SDL video mode
sdlstream.cc:159 INFO: try to get videomode:  bpp=16 _rect.w=360 _rect.h=288
sdlstream.cc:174 INFO: Requested SDL YUV overlay  _SDL_init_OK=1
sdlstream.cc:179 INFO: Got SDL overlay
sdlstream.cc:181 INFO: Got SDL hardware overlay
sdlstream.cc:182 INFO:  _overlay->planes=1
am.cc:183 INFO:  _overlay->pitches[0]=720
sdlstream.cc:184 INFO:  _overlay->w=360 _overlay->h=288
sdlstream.cc:186 INFO: lock overlay ok  _rect.w=360 _rect.h=288
sdlstream.cc:201 INFO: Using SDL YUV overlay  _SDL_init_OK=1
server.cc:213 INFO: <<<<<<<<<< sending message start
server.cc:214 INFO:   <reply command="createVideoXWindow" status="ok">
      <outstream WinID="52428803" resizeable="no" />

server.cc:215 INFO: <<<<<<<<<< sending message stop
kdenserver.cc:376 INFO: starting listenForSDLEvents 
kdenserver.cc:410 INFO: SDL_VIDEORESIZE
piave_base.cc:168 WARNING: PIAVE caught a segmentation violation 0
--- backtrace ------ start ----
/lib/i686/libc.so.6 [0x42028838]
4KdenLiveServer9veml_seekEPKNS_8VEMLCmndE+0xb2) [0x40042b52]
/lib/i686/libpthread.so.0 [0x4008bc21]
/lib/i686/libc.so.6(__clone+0x57) [0x420dcf87]
--- ba
cktrace ------ stop -----
kdenserver.cc:410 INFO: SDL_VIDEORESIZE
kdenserver.cc:410 INFO: SDL_VIDEORESIZE
kdenserver.cc:410 INFO: SDL_VIDEORESIZE
kdenserver.cc:410 INFO: SDL_VIDEORESIZE
kdenserver.cc:410 INFO: SDL_VIDEORESIZE

(note that the SDL_VIDEORESIZE repeat forever after the segfault has occurred)


Jason Wood
Homepage : www.uchian.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk

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