[Kdenlive-devel] compiling on debian ...

Markus Huelsbusch markus at ihf.rwth-aachen.de
Tue Aug 5 09:18:10 UTC 2003

Hello all,

piave had the following glitches when compiling on debian testing:
- to use the assert(..) macros in streammgr.cc & pencode.cc you have to 
include   <assert.h> on debian (using gcc 3.3.1)

- you need the debian package libsdl-image1.2-dev but the configure script is 
not complaining when missing (error when linking)

Unfortunately I was not able to compile kdenlive, the debian libqt3-... 
package was not accepted by the configure script.

Had anyone success getting piave/kdenlive to work on debian testing ?

Testing piave 0.2.2 & kdenlive 0.2 on Suse 8.0 worked somehow, but gave mo 
only black pictures for the preview although exporting works (I think the X 
server has no YUV overlay support, is this necessary to view anything ?)


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