[Kdenlive-devel] video formats

Rolf Dubitzky dubitzky at pktw06.phy.tu-dresden.de
Sun Nov 24 11:43:20 UTC 2002

On Sunday 24 November 2002 11:55 am, Christian Berger wrote:
> Am Sonntag, 24. November 2002 11:39 schrieben Sie:
> > On Saturday 23 November 2002 09:44 pm, Christian Berger wrote:
> > > Am Samstag, 23. November 2002 20:42 schrieben Sie:
> > > > Hi Jason,
> > > >
> > > > piave was designed strictly with DV in mind. Are you interested in
> > > > DV video at all? If not, what is the most important video format for
> > > > you?
> > >
> > > Well I would like to stay as independant of video formats as possible.
> >
> > I wanted to know what you are actually doing with the editor. I mean we
> > have to start somewhere. It doesn't make any sense, if this start is
> > just DV video, which is enough for me, but you guys don't use DV.
> No, I cannot afford DV, 

Ok, so which videos format are yo most interested in? Since you started with 
ffmpeg yourself, I guess that fits your needs, right?

> but editing DV directly is a bit difficult.

Err, this is what I started with, and it's very easy because in DV every frame 
is compressed independent from each other frame. No bother with I- F B- 
K-Frames and what not. It's a very good format for video editing, also 
because it has very high quality. Ok, downside is, you need 8 Gig for one 
hour of video. But then, IDE-HD is cheap these days ;-)
The actuall editing is done in uncompressed RGB or YUV anyway, so given you 
have a decoder which gives you plain RGB frames it doesn't make any 
difference which format they have been in.
Unfortunately under linux you have to understand and write interfaces for a 
lot of single libraries. I started with libdv, and thought all the others I 
get for free when I interface to GStreamer, but that might take a while.
If you and Jason don't usually edit DV and don't even have DV files for 
testing, then supporting your favourit format is a high priority goal, if you 
also use DV, then I would say it's medium or low priority. 


P.S.: Until I (or someone ;-) implements the libav{codec} interface you can 
use a small DV sample file. It is 7MB (50 DV frames)


 Rolf Dubitzky  
 e-mail: Rolf.Dubitzky at Physik.TU-Dresden.de
 s-mail see http://hep.phy.tu-dresden.de/~dubitzky/

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