[Kdenlive-devel] kdenlive

Jason Wood jasonwood at blueyonder.co.uk
Sat May 4 13:57:25 UTC 2002

On Saturday 04 May 2002 1:40 pm, Christian Berger wrote:
> > 
> >
> > To be honest, the last several formats that we've been throwing around
> > now are basically the same idea, with different amounts of syntactical
> > sugar thrown on top. I'd pick the one that looks easiest to parse, so
> > that you can concentrate on the main task of actually cutting files
> > together, rather than trying to figure out what your supposed to be
> > cutting ;-)
> Well the right format is extremely important. I'd go with my last
> suggestion. Splitting the cutting into "sceenes" might be the best idea.
> The problem is I still have to learn quite a lot of C, I'm not really
> fammiliar with it.

I was talking not so much about things like scene tags/commands, rather things 
like making sure that the actual syntax is easy to parse - remember that this 
file will be written by another computer program 90% of the time (and the 
other 10% will be debuging :-) so there's no need for adding any special 
syntax just to make the file easier to read and write for humans. Saying 
that, I think comments would probably be worth adding, and if we strictly 
define that each line contains a seperate command, everything becomes a lot 
simpler to parse.

Jason Wood
I knew I needed a break when I typed <Esc>:q! to close konqueror

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