[Kdenlive-devel] Question : Cutter functionality

Jason Wood jasonwood at blueyonder.co.uk
Sun Jul 28 17:46:26 UTC 2002

On Sunday 28 Jul 2002 3:59 pm, Christian Berger wrote:
> Well this early version will be able to simply cut video, no fades no
> anything. It'll be able to cut at any frame, but not between frames. Audio
> currently is impossible.

When you say that audio is impossible, do you mean that seperate audio 
channels are impossible (e.g. adding music in the background), or that the 
resulting mpeg will have no sound at all?

In other words, if you feed it several movies which already have sound, will 
the clips in the edit retain their original sound?

> But maybe we should define a number of abilities and put them into a
> cutter ability file:
> In my case this might be:
> cutting accuracy 1
> or something

I am unsure as to exactly what format the cutter ability file should take, 
mostly because it's hard to figure out what abilities various cutters will 
have. I'll have a think about it, and see if I can come up with a first-draft 
specification, and then we can argue about it :-)

> > Then we can figure out exactly what we want Kdenlive version 1 to be
> > capable of, and what we will put off for version 2.
> >
> > What do you think?
> Well I think in version 2 we should add thought controll for the whole
> editing process, as well as automated scene recognition so you just feed
> in your material, and it will automatically know how it should be cut. As
> well as script parsing, so you'll enter the script and your material, and
> you get the whole movie cut.

Hmm, dunno, I think we might have to leave that till Kdenlive 3, but we should 
be able to add the option to doctor the video in case the actors get their 
lines wrong, and automatic selection between various takes ;-)

> Servus
>   Casandro

I've broken up the kdenlive homepage so that it's easier to browse - it was 
getting a bit crowded. Let me know if I've got anything wrong.


Jason Wood
Homepage : www.uchian.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk

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