[Kdenlive-devel] status

Rolf Dubitzky dubitzky at pktw06.phy.tu-dresden.de
Tue Dec 17 08:54:55 UTC 2002

On Monday 16 December 2002 08:19 pm, Jason Wood wrote:
> I wish you all the best in fixing it :-)

I'll use the weekend before xmas for it. If it won't work before xmas it'll 
have to wait till naxt year, I won't have computer access til jan.

> My only guess would be something to do with memory access between the
> threads, but I'm not exactly an expert on threaded programming. What kind
> of problems are you experiencing?

seg. fault. when accessing the YUVOverlay in thread a which has been created 
by thread b. But probably it's just a supid mistake while merging the stuff 

> I think it would be a good idea to make a sourcecode release once the Piave
> problems have been sorted out.  There's a slow but steady stream of traffic
> through the Kdenlive website, I think it's time we show off what we've got
> a little more and see if we can attract developers to our cause :-)
> What do you think?

In principle I agree, but ideally I would like to have something that can be 
used to really edit a small project. For that we need working DV output. 
Shouldn't be too difficult, since it was already working a while ago. There 
are also a number of small suggestions I have for the GUI. I'll make a list 
of them next weekend. Other than that, I think we might go for an initial 
release. We have all the functionality that is described as "0.5" in your 
roadmap ;-)


 Rolf Dubitzky  
 e-mail: Rolf.Dubitzky at Physik.TU-Dresden.de
 s-mail see http://hep.phy.tu-dresden.de/~dubitzky/

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