D17214: GCI [KDE Connect] Start New Conversation in Messaging App

Simon Redman noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Wed Nov 28 21:21:20 GMT 2018

sredman added a subscriber: apol.
sredman added a comment.

  This is good so far. Thank you!
  Two small bugs which come from the same source:
  If I type the phone number of a contact with whom I do not have a conversation, that gets matched to the contact (nice job!)
  Since the filter box has their phone number typed in, the contact is not visible, so you get the error: "TypeError: Cannot call method 'startChat' of null"
  There is also an error when you type the phone number for a contact with whom there is already a conversation F6445105: DoubleContact.png <https://phabricator.kde.org/F6445105>
  However, I think that is more of a bug that was already in the search box. The search box should allow filtering by address as well as by contact name. That way, these situations could never occur.


> conversationsdbusinterface.cpp:125
>          // Since there are no messages in the conversation, we can't do anything sensible
> -        qCWarning(KDECONNECT_CONVERSATIONS) << "Got a conversationID for a conversation with no messages!";
> +        // qCDebug(KDECONNECT_CONVERSATIONS) << "Got a conversationID for a conversation with no messages!";
> +        qCDebug(KDECONNECT_CONVERSATIONS) << "Trying to send a new message to new conversation with address " << conversationID << endl;

No need to keep commented-out code

> conversationsdbusinterface.cpp:127
> +        qCDebug(KDECONNECT_CONVERSATIONS) << "Trying to send a new message to new conversation with address " << conversationID << endl;
> +        createNewConversation(conversationID, message);
>          return;

You pass the conversationID here, which you have hard-coded (in the QML application) to 0. That means that the phone tries to send a message to the phone number "0" which is probably not what was intended. Did you mean message.address()?
F6445122: MessageNullTarget.jpg <https://phabricator.kde.org/F6445122>

> conversationlistmodel.cpp:170-185
> +    QScopedPointer<KPeople::PersonData> personData(lookupPersonByAddress(address));
> +    QStandardItem* item = new QStandardItem();
> +    if (personData) {
> +        item->setText(personData->name());
> +        item->setIcon(QIcon(personData->photo()));
> +        item->setData(personData->personUri(), PersonUriRole);
> +    } else {

This is a good idea! However, since it is code that was copy-pasted from another method ("createRowFromMessage") could you make a helper function which can be used by both of those? For instance, maybe something like "createItemFromMessage" which returns QStandardItem*. That method gets used directly by "createRowFromMessage". This method ("createRowFromAddress") would construct the dummy message with the dummy "[New Conversation]" body and timestamp, then call the same helper

> conversationlistmodel.cpp:183
> +    item->setData(ConversationMessage::MessageTypeSent, FromMeRole);
> +    item->setData("[New conversation]", Qt::ToolTipRole);
> +    item->setData(1, DateRole);

@apol How do we make this translate-able?

> conversationlistmodel.cpp:184
> +    item->setData("[New conversation]", Qt::ToolTipRole);
> +    item->setData(1, DateRole);
> +    appendRow(item);

Do you need to specify this? What happens if you leave it out?

> ConversationList.qml:68
>                  deviceId: device ? device.id() : ""
> +                id: address
>              }

Is this used for anything?

> ConversationList.qml:85
> +                    address.createRowFromAddress(filter.text)
> +                    view.currentIndex = 1 // the first possible seleciton
> +                }

This should be set to 0 instead of 1

  R224 KDE Connect


To: turx, albertvaka, nicolasfella, sredman, #kde_connect
Cc: apol, kdeconnect, varunp, shivanshukantprasad, skymoore, brute4s99, wistak, dvalencia, rmenezes, julioc, Leptopoda, timothyc, jdvr, Danial0_0, johnq, Pitel, adeen-s, SemperPeritus, daniel.z.tg, jeanv, seebauer, bugzy, MayeulC, menasshock, mikesomov, tctara
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