Example client

Adeen Shukla adeen at adeen.me
Sat Feb 10 18:42:30 UTC 2018

Hey piggz, I hope you remember me (adeen-s) from #sailfishos-porters
I have been working on Android and I'd love to help port kdeconnect to
sailfishos. I couldn't find anything related to it, but doesn't plasma
mobile have it? Maybe start looking there.

On 10-Feb-2018 11:08 PM, "Nicholas Estrada" <116nic97 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Haha gotcha. Totally misunderstood. Yeah all I did was write a simple
> frontend for the desktop commands. Nothing on the socket side or phone
> side.
> On Feb 10, 2018 at 9:07 AM, <Adam Pigg <adam at piggz.co.uk>> wrote:
> Is that a program that acts as if it were on a phone, talking to the
> kdeconnect desktop client? Or something to trigger the desktop app to send
> a command to the phone?
> Im after the first part ... something describing how to create either a BT
> or network connection to the desktop app, and how the protocol works.
> Cheers
> On Sat, 10 Feb 2018 at 15:21 Nicholas Estrada <116nic97 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hey, I wrote a pretty simple GUI just for SMS a bit ago. I was the one
>> who wrote it in Java, but then I ported it to C++/Qt.
>> https://github.com/estradanic/ksms
>> It does have a couple issues right now that I haven't gotten to fixing
>> because college kicked back in pretty hard. But if you want to take a look
>> at the code, be my guest. :)
>> On Feb 10, 2018 at 5:05 AM, <piggz1 <piggz1 at gmail.com>> wrote:
>> Hi,  is there any example client code written in qt/qml/c++, as opposed to android java?
>> Im tempted to write a sfos client, and would appreciate some pointers in getting a client up and running with basic connectivity.
>> Adam
>> --
>> Sent from my Jolla
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