kde connect gamepad plugin

Konstantinos Athanasiou dinosath0 at gmail.com
Sun Mar 29 11:28:56 UTC 2015

hello i am new here and first time contributing in a open source 
project. I would like to work on the gamepad plugin that was proposed 
and would like to hear your opinion.

* My idea was to have 2 buttons when you open the plugin. One button for 
the gamepad and one for the editor. When you open the gamepad a list of 
layouts/themes is shown (e.g. psx,ps2,xbox etc) and you chose your 
layout and start playing. In the editor you can edit a layout/theme. You 
can edit the button icons, add actions (e.g. in openmorrowind open 
chest, start playing playlist from library etc) and assign hardware keys 
to button (for tablets with gaming buttons).

* Now about implementation what do you think? Sould i send a message to 
the server when a key was pressed or should i send a message with the 
gamepad state in very short intervals( eg button1:pressed || 
button2:not-pressed) or keep both and change in settings?

* Lastly some more ideas i had about the actions for the buttons. For 
media controls we already have the mpris plugin , we also have have the 
keyboard plugin and touchpad plugin and hopefully many more coming.

But what if wanted to have all those plugin in one screen? How about all 
these separate plugins were all simply buttons you can edit in the 
editor? What do you think?

I was inspired by GestureWorks Gameplay app. You can check it out here:


Also , can you please tell me how to build kdeconnect in kubuntu 15.04 ? 
If it is hard i can do it in kubuntu 14.04.

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