"Please share views on GSoC proposal(Multiplatform Qt based KDE Connect Client)"

Ashish Bansal bansal.ashish096 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 19 12:12:04 UTC 2015

On Thu, Mar 19, 2015 at 5:03 AM, Ashish Bansal <bansal.ashish096 at gmail.com>

> On Thu, Mar 19, 2015 at 4:42 AM, Jörg Böhme <joerg at chaosdorf.de> wrote:
>> Hi Ashish,
> Hi,
> On 2015-03-18 22:33, Ashish Bansal wrote:
>>> GSoC proposal google docs link :
>>> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1n0OZmEXayGvHQ7875Rykcl7VHq-
>>> RUgUpVMkrzAfvIa0/edit?usp=sharing
>>> [1]
>>>  Thanks for your GSoC proposal :-).
>> My requirement are that I have a library for example to use on
>> Blackberry and/or on Jolla and/or Windows etc.
>> Look deeper in the platform differences between the Blackberry and Jolla,
>> you notice that Blackberry use Qt 4.8.6 with Cascades (it's also a
>> QML engine with different UI components) and Jolla use Qt 5.x with Qt
>> Quick2.
>> So the minimum requirement are Qt 4.8.6.
> First of all, I don't know much about Blackberry OS but upon Google search
> I came to know that Blackberry OS 10 does support Qt5.[1]
> Qt has also explained whole method compiling cross platform Qt5 for
> Blackberry.[2]
> So, it would be better to use Qt5 as it is more developed and many new
> things have been added to it and even more are coming.
> May be KDE Connect master branch is still using Qt4(correct me if I am
> wrong) but KDE Connect Developers have already ported it to Qt5 and using
> KF5 whose dependency is Qt version>5.2. You can check its source in
> framework branch of KDE Connect. So, I don't think we would be providing
> support for Qt4.8.
> Moreover Windows Runtime too does not support Qt4.8.
> But I am not maintainer of the project, just started contributing to it. I
> may be wrong at some point.
> Albert Vaca and Aleix Pol would be able to give better response to this
> mail :)
> [1]
> http://devblog.blackberry.com/2014/04/qt-5-binary-overlays-available-for-blackberry-10/
> [2] http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/blackberrybuild.html
> My idea/wish are to have a build target in kde connect project that build
>> a shared library to provided only the "Network Connect API" (see in
>> kdeconnect/core source) and only with QCA and QJSON dependencies.
> And I forgot to tell you that it has been decided KDE Frameworks Tier 1
still would be there in core because they just enhance the functionality of
some parts of Qt Framework and makes the life easier :)

They can be included in Qt based project very easily, on Linux or I should
probably say *nix.

>> For 11 months ago, I build an improvement. See my email
>> from: Wed, 18 Mar 2015 01:23:17 +0100
>> Subject: Pure Qt kde-connect lib aka KDE Connect for Jolla aka port KDE
>>     Connect to Blackberry
>> Jörg
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