Interested in contributing to KDEConnect

Albert Vaca albertvaka at
Sat Jun 28 09:09:00 UTC 2014

Hello Ahmed,

Maybe you want to change and use "uinput", the linux input
system, directly. With uinput you can register yourself as an input device,
just like a real mouse or touchpad. This has several advantages, like that
the settings in KDE that are applied to the mouse will also be applied to
your input, or that you will be able to simulate smooth scroll (pixel by
pixel and not line by line).

I haven't tried it, but I just found an example that uses uinput and
simulates a scroll wheel:

Also there is a library to make it easy to use uinput from user space:

If you want to keep with XTest and can manage to make it work it's fine,
I'm just suggesting a different approach in case XTest is not enough :)


El dissabte, 28 juny de 2014, Ahmed Ibrahim Khalil <
ahmedibrahimkhali at> va escriure:

> Great Ideas Albert, I am currently working on two thumb scrolling, it is
> pretty easy to implement on Android and I am half way though it, but still
> need to figure out on how to send the scroll event using XTest
> On Fri, Jun 27, 2014 at 4:28 PM, Albert Vaca <albertvaka at
> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','albertvaka at');>> wrote:
>> And about the right click problem: you could add a small button to the
>> top bar or somewhere else to do it.
>> And maybe we could have another button to open the Android keyboard and
>> send the keystrokes to KDE.
>> I think this would be super useful for media centers or other setups
>> where you don't use the keyboard and mouse often, so you don't want to have
>> one always attached.
>> On Fri, Jun 27, 2014 at 4:28 PM, Albert Vaca <albertvaka at
>> <javascript:_e(%7B%7D,'cvml','albertvaka at');>> wrote:
>>> It's merged! You should have received an email with the commits.
>>> I would love that you keep contributing to KDE Connect with this or
>>> other plugins :)
>>> I think we have lots of possibilities, and would be great to have you
>>> with us!
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