Planning Keyboard Emulation Feature

Ahmed Ibrahim Khalil ahmedibrahimkhali at
Sat Jul 5 11:32:21 UTC 2014


I'm planning to add Keyboard emulation to KDEConnect.

What I am thinking of is that, While the user is opening the Mousepad
activity. And he begins to focus on a text field, in KDE (either via
mousepad or via hardware mouse), The soft keyboard is shown on his phone
automatically to begin typing, and all his key presses is written on the
focused text field.

If the user focuses out of the text field, the soft keyboard is hidden
automatically from the phone.

I tried to write a proof of concept to listen for the focus events in the
whole KDE desktop, using the
X Input Method, and setting the input focus on the XDefaultRootWindow to
listen for FocusIn and FocusOut events, but nothing is fired.

I'll post the code that I've tried [1], maybe someone could help me
figuring out, how to listen for the focus events on all KDE desktop.


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