wmctrl equivalent with KDE Plasma Wayland

Amila Perera perera.amila at gmail.com
Thu Aug 5 15:23:33 BST 2021

Hi all,

I am running KDE Plasma Wayland on Fedora 34.

I want to write a script / create a shortcut to raise a window if it exists
or open a new one otherwise.

With KDE Plasma X11, I can use *wmctrl* to write a simple script i.e. *wmctrl
-l *to list the windows and then *wmctrl -a* to raise the necessary window
if it exists.

I am wondering if we have a similar CLI tool to use with Wayland.

If there's no straightforward solution with Wayland how can I use kWin to
get this job done ?
I will be pleased if someone can point me to the Xlib/XCB corresponding
C/C++ api in Wayland.

Any ideas/suggestions would be appreciated.



*Amila Perera.*
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