Default keyboard layout on login screen

Дмитрий Мурзин diraria at
Tue May 9 17:32:56 BST 2017

Thanks for answer a lot!
I have arch linux, so I already have almost latest KDE build (5.9.5 currently)
I want to say that at (6) there already is a keyboard layout changer icon in the corner.
Also at (6) I can press CapsLock and keyboard layout switches from russian to english.
I found some information about keyboard in development list:
But it is other that I want (I wnat to configure default keyboard layout at login screen)

09.05.2017, 07:14, "Duncan" <1i5t5.duncan at>:
> Дмитрий Мурзин posted on Sat, 06 May 2017 13:28:38 +0300 as excerpted:
>>  Hello!
>>  I have two keyboard layout, english and russian.
>>  What I do:
>>  0) Laptop is turned off
>>  1) Turn on laptop
>>  2) I see login screen, keyboard layout is english (it is good)
>>  3) Login
>>  4) Change keyboard layout to russian
>>  5) I lock the screen with Ctrl+Alt+L
>>  6) I see login screen, keyboard layout is russian (it is bad)
>>  How can I get that at (6) I have english keyboard layout?
>>  Thank you a lot.
>>  KDE Plasma 5.9.5
> While I'm English-only and thus don't have to, nor know how to,
> deal with the problem as it currently is...
> I *do* run the live-git development versions of most of the
> kde-frameworks/plasma/apps that I have installed (via the
> gentoo/kde project's overlay, which includes the live-git versions).
> And I generally monitor the plasma development list, which tracks the
> various plasma component review requests and the following review
> discussion, before code is actually committed.
> Based on that, I can safely say that the devs are aware that the
> current situation isn't ideal, and they've been working on various
> tweaks to the login and lock screens, including putting a keyboard
> layout changer icon in the corner. (At least that's how I understood
> it, I wasn't following /too/ closely because as I explained it
> doesn't directly pertain to me personally. So it's possible I'm
> getting it mixed up with one of the other changes, but they definitely
> are making changes to this as well, even if I may be getting the
> details a bit wrong.)
> So as I said I don't know what the current situation is, but you can
> expect it to improve, perhaps markedly, in the future, when what's
> under development right now gets released and whatever distro or
> other source you're using picks it up. =:^)
> If you're interested in further detail or information, you can try
> the current development builds yourself. The easiest way to do that
> is via kde's neon project, which builds the latest kde products on a
> kubuntu-LTS base. There's a bootable live-image available, no need
> to install permanently unless you want to. =:^)
> Of course you can also look up the development list archives and
> follow the discussions yourself, if you like. =:^)
> --
> Duncan - List replies preferred. No HTML msgs.
> "Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
> and if you use the program, he is your master." Richard Stallman

Best regards,
Dmitry Murzin

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