Default keyboard layout on login screen
Matthias Apitz
guru at
Tue May 9 09:04:17 BST 2017
El día martes, mayo 09, 2017 a las 04:13:15a. m. +0000, Duncan escribió:
> Дмитрий Мурзин posted on Sat, 06 May 2017 13:28:38 +0300 as excerpted:
> > Hello!
> > I have two keyboard layout, english and russian.
> > What I do:
> > 0) Laptop is turned off
> > 1) Turn on laptop
> > 2) I see login screen, keyboard layout is english (it is good)
> > 3) Login
> > 4) Change keyboard layout to russian
> > 5) I lock the screen with Ctrl+Alt+L
> > 6) I see login screen, keyboard layout is russian (it is bad)
> > How can I get that at (6) I have english keyboard layout?
> > Thank you a lot.
> > KDE Plasma 5.9.5
> While I'm English-only and thus don't have to, nor know how to,
> deal with the problem as it currently is...
I have a similar problem within KDE 4.14: After starting KDE (with
startx method from an alpha console, i.e. not with xdm) the keyboard always
is set to 'us' (what is not what I want). I can use the dialog
'Keyboard - KDE Control Module', make a dummy change there, revoke the
dummy change and say Apply to switch it to 'de' (German) and all is fine
for the current session. But after terminating KDE and restart it comes
up first as 'de' in the panel, but during the KDE jingle magically it switches again
to 'us'.
What is causing this switch on KDE boot?
Matthias Apitz, ✉ guru at, ⌂ ☎ +49-176-38902045
8. Mai 1945: Wer nicht feiert hat den Krieg verloren.
8 de mayo de 1945: Quien no festeja perdió la Guerra.
May 8, 1945: Who does not celebrate lost the War.
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