KDE Panel freezing when HDMI connected

Alex Schuster wonko at wonkology.org
Sun Sep 11 12:33:59 BST 2011

Tim Edwards writes:

> I'm running Opensuse 11.4 with KDE 4.6 on a Netbook. When I plug the
> netbook in to an external monitor/TV after a few minutes the KDE panel
> (including all menus, icons, clock etc.) is completely frozen. Even
> after over an hour it remains frozen. 
> All other software functions fine - firefox, Libreoffice, Thunderbird
> etc. and I can use alt+tab to switch between them. I can't launch new
> programs since the KMenu is frozen

I think KRunner (Alt-F2) should still work.

>                                    but I have a konsole window open I
> can run programs from there. All these programs, including KDE-specific
> ones such as Dolphin, work fine, without freezing or pauses.

Looks like plasma-desktop froze. Does top show this process with 100% CPU
usage? This happened to me often.

Try this in your Konsole in order to quit plasma and restart it:

  kquitapp plasma-desktop; plasma-desktop

If kquitapp does not work, try killall -9 plasma-desktop instead. If it
hangs again, maybe you see some output in the Konsole that helps to see
what the problem is.

Good luck,

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