Plasma workspace error

hannie hannie at
Sat May 1 09:05:41 BST 2010

>> Message: 3
>> Date: Fri, 30 Apr 2010 08:54:19 +0100
>> From: Anne Wilson <cannewilson at>
>> Subject: Re: [kde] Plasma workspace error
>> To: kde at
>> Message-ID: <201004300854.19846.cannewilson at>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-15"
>> On Thursday 29 April 2010 21:27:32 lafeber-dumoleyn2 wrote:
>>> Today's Topics:
>>> >    1. Plasma workspace error (lafeber-dumoleyn2)
>>> >    2. Re: Plasma workspace error (Thomas Olsen)
>>> >
>>> > 
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> >
>>> > Message: 1
>>> > Date: Mon, 26 Apr 2010 15:51:11 +0200
>>> > From: lafeber-dumoleyn2 <lafeber-dumoleyn2 at>
>>> > Subject: [kde] Plasma workspace error
>>> > To: kde at
>>> > Message-ID: <4BD59A4F.8010207 at>
>>> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
>>> >
>>> > Since the last update of Kubuntu I get an error with Plasma workspace
>>> > KDE DRKonqi Kdeinit4 PID 1478 signal: segmentation fault. The 
>>> desktop > is
>>> > completely black.
>>> > Via Google I found a solution on a forum: rename .kde4 folder. But I
>>> > cannot find a .kde folder. There is a folder with the name kde4 in 
>>> /etc
>>> > and /usr, but not .kde4.
>>> > I can open any program I know the name of with Alt+F2, but I cannot
>>> > reach them through Start (which does not show).
>>> > When I start Kubuntu in Recovery mode the prompt is root at myPCname. 
>>> When
>>> > I type Rename .kde4 kde4Bup I get an error message.
>>> > Can anyone help me out?
>>> > Hannie
>>> >
>>> > Message: 2
>>> >
>>> > The folder ".kde" or ".kde4" resides in your home folder and contains
>>> > different settings for KDE. Some distributions name it ".kde", others
>>> > name it ".kde4". At the login press CTRL+ALT+F1. This will get you 
>>> to a
>>> > text based console. mv ~/.kde .kde.bak
>>> > If you get an error try:
>>> > mv ~/.kde4 .kde4.bak
>>> > Press ALT+F7 to get back to the login again and try to log in.
>>> > Now you should get a fresh Desktop but any modifications you have 
>>> made
>>> > will be lost.
>>> > If you do not want to remove settings for the Desktop and all
>>> > applications try this:
>>> > find ~/.kde -name *plasma*
>>> > or
>>> > find ~/.kde4 -name *plasma*
>>> > This will list all the files containing Plasma related settings. 
>>> Try to
>>> > rename them one by one using the above mentioned "mv" command ("mv"
>>> > means "move"). Start with the file named
>>> > /home/<username>/.kde/share/config/plasmarc
>>> >
>>> >OK - it seems you succeeded in moving .kde to .kde.bak. The prompt 
>>> >should
>>> >have nothing to do with this. "~/" is simply your home folder as in
>>> >/home/<username>/ so "~/.kde" is equivalent to 
>>> "/home/<username>/.kde".
>>> >You should not do "find .kde.bak". When you type "ls .kde" it 
>>> should say
>>> >"No such file or directory" because you have moved ".kde" to 
>>> ".kde.bak".
>>> >If this is true and you still get no desktop on re-login please 
>>> post the
>>> >contents of .xsession-errors from your home folder and any other error
>>> >messages here.
>>> Thomas Olsen
>>> Hello Thomas,
>>> I am not sure if I can send the file .xsessions-errors to this list 
>>> as an
>>> attachment. It consists of 619 lines, which is also too much to 
>>> paste here
>>> I suppose. Please let me know which is best.
>>> Can you explain to me what this move action really does? When I restart
>>> Kubuntu I think a fresh folder .kde is made, because I can see it in
>>> Dolphin. But I still have a black screen, and no desktop. The error
>>> message is: Workspace KDE DRKonqi closed unexpectedly (I translated the
>>> Dutch message) KDEinit4 PID 1551 Signal: 11 (segmentation fault). This
>>> error occurred after the last update. The update window mentioned 30
>>> blocked updates. I have no idea why they are blocked. I run Kubuntu 
>>> in a
>>> virtual machine.
>>> Hannie
>> If it's too big to send to the list, the best way is to upload it to
>>  If it's too big for them they will give you a URL for a 
>> site
>> that can take larger files.  Either way, just post the URL here.
>> I hadn't been following this thread, but can I ask a couple of 
>> questions? You
>> don't have an Intel graphics chipset, do you?  Can you check your 
>> grub file
>> (I'm not familiar with grub2, so you may need a kubuntu user to help) 
>> and make
>> sure that you don't have 'nomodeset' in the kernel commands?
>> Anne
>> -- 
Hello Anne,
The solution of Thomas Olsen (mv .kde .kde.bak) didn't work. I am 
sending the .xsession-errors file as an attachment, hoping it will not 
be too big.
As for your questions: I have an nVidia chipset. As for the Grub file: I 
do not know how to check if there is a 'nomodeset' in the kernel 
commands, but it does not seem logical to me that this is the problem 
because everything was fine before the last update (although there may 
have been an update in Grub causing the problem).

I run Kubuntu in a Virtual machine. I have a dual-boot system, Windows 
XP with Ubuntu. In Ubuntu I run Sun Virtual Box where I installed 
Kubuntu. The reason for this complicated system is because I translate 
for both Ubuntu and Kubuntu + KDE.
Until the last update everything was fine. Now I cannot run the 
plasma-desktop anymore. After a second try to move .kde to .kde.bup and 
a restart I came in prompt mode. When I typed the command plasma-desktop 
I got the following error:
plasma-desktop(1475): KUniqueApplication: cannot find the D-Bus session 
server: "/bin/dbus-launch terminated abnormally with the following 
error: KUniqueApplication: Pipe closed unexpectedly.
The folder .kde now only had the folders share and tmp-MyPCname in it. I 
moved .kde.bup back to .kde and now at least I get the screen in which I 
can run programs with Alt+F2.
If I cannot resolve this problem I will remove Kubuntu Karmic Koala and 
replace it by Kubuntu Lucid Lynx, hoping that it will work.

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