another new annoying feature

Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. bss at
Tue May 26 16:13:08 BST 2009

In <20090526.164724.259777715.wl at>, Werner LEMBERG wrote:
>>>BTW: Where can I find a NEWS file which describes the various KDE
>>>changes (in the SVN) in detail?
>> I think you probably want to use the 'svn log' command.  Most VCSs
>> keep track of this information in the commit logs, rather than
>> requiring the developers to maintain a separate file.
>Hrmpf.  This is the same as if you told me to use `git log' to check
>for recent kernel changes.  Far too much entries!

You wanted it "in detail". 

While I don't know the equivalent in svn, there might be something like 'git 

>>>Does such a centralized file exist?
>> It might, but why?
>Well, most GNU projects have a detailed `NEWS' file or something

Which is made mostly (if not completely) redundant with the VCS keeping 
logs.  Also, changes to such a file are more difficult to merge between 
diverging branches; specifically because most changes are done at the top by 
inserting some new lines.

I encourage the presence of such a file in the release tarballs, but it 
should be generated from the VCS logs at release time.  There's no reason to 
maintain that information in two locations.
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.           	 ,= ,-_-. =.
bss at            	((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy 	 `-'(. .)`-'        	     \_/

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