Is there a way to get a kde3 color scheme into kde4?

James Richard Tyrer tyrerj at
Sat Jul 18 20:59:01 BST 2009

Duncan wrote:
> Matthew Woehlke <mw_triad at> posted
> h3llfv$r4q$1 at, excerpted below, on  Wed, 15 Jul 2009 17:33:34
> -0500:
>> Apparently Duncan nagged me at just the right time. Bug 157726 is now
>> (Clarification on how this works... it's not a convertor; just click
>> 'import' in the kcm, and pick a KDE3 scheme. You will be warned that the
>> result won't be perfect.)
> Wow, that was fast!
Don't understand about it not being perfect.  The fix is simply not 
complete.  If you load the attached color scheme before you make the 
conversion, you can see what is missing (it will still be Magenta), and 
fix it by hand.

James Tyrer

Linux (mostly) From Scratch

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